Thursday, November 28, 2019
In Many Countries, the Proportion of Elderly People Is Increasing Steadily. Does This Trend Have More Positive Than Negative Effects on Society free essay sample
In many countries, the proportion of elderly people is increasing steadily. Does this trend have more positive than negative effects on society? ================================================================== It is undeniably believed that the developed technology and sufficient welfare have magnificently provided a great chance for having mankind life extended. Combining with the fact that young couples tend not to breed, elderly individuals are now occupying an increasing percentage of the world population. Supported by a number of sociologists and economists, aging population issue will generate negative impacts on the world such as enlarging the government expenditure and reducing the workforce efficiency. First of all, subsidizing senior citizens costs governments and tax-payers massive amount of money. For instance, it was stated by The Economist that pension is now the largest expense of social welfare budget of European governments. Despite the advantages it brings, this amount of expenditure is an insurmountable burden to the government deficit and can therefore, slow down the growth of national economy. We will write a custom essay sample on In Many Countries, the Proportion of Elderly People Is Increasing Steadily. Does This Trend Have More Positive Than Negative Effects on Society? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Hence, a high proportion of aging population can do harm to already harsh national economy, especially during the recent economic recession in Europe. Additionally, aging population can also reduce the efficiency of labor force. Going into details, according to The Economist, one senior citizen needs two or more juniors to be taken care of, particularly the sick. As a result, looking after aging people expends a great amount of labor forces which could otherwise profit companies and governments. Therefore, provided that labor force could be emancipated from caring the elderly, a more efficient and productive society could thereby created. To sum up, it is evident that the positive effects of high aged ratio are moot in comparison of its negative impacts. Nevertheless, it is strongly suggested that the government is entitled to provide comfortable living condition to the old as a basic social welfare
Monday, November 25, 2019
Bull Sharks Essays
Bull Sharks Essays Bull Sharks Paper Bull Sharks Paper Staniels, L. K. and Facey, D. E. 8. Osmoregu;ation and Excretion. lt;www. cartage. org. lbgt;. Kennedy, J. About. com Guide. April 2010 lt;marinelife. about. comgt;. Marine Life. April 2010 lt;marinelife. about. comgt;. De Alessandro, M.. SHARKS The Perfect Predators. Sunnyside, Aukland Park: Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd, 2008. Marine Bio. April 2010 lt;marinebio. orggt;. Merriam-Websters Medical Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Inc. Dictionary. com. 2007. April 2007 lt;dictionary. reference. comgt;. NOAA FISHERIES FACT SHEET. April 2010 lt;www. nmfs. noaa. govgt;. Pillans, R D. UQ eSpace. 2006. April 2010 lt;espace. library. uq. edu. augt;. Shark Attacks. April 2010 lt;www. bugbog. comgt;. Statistics Versus Myths. April 2010 lt;www. sharkattacks. comgt;. The case of the New Jersey Man-Eater. April 2010 lt;www. elasmo-research. orggt;.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Type 1 diabetes Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Type 1 diabetes - Research Paper Example This causes deficiency of insulin in the body. Introduction Type 1 diabetes is a major disease in young adults and children. Experts previously recognized it as juvenile diabetes because those diagnosed were mostly young people. Type 1 diabetes describes a diabetic condition where the body lacks producing any insulin. Insulin is necessary in converting starches, sugar and other foods into energy that the body requires. This type of diabetes is not common among people suffering from diabetes. Only around five percent of diabetes patients suffer from type 1 diabetes. The best treatment for the condition is insulin therapy. This type of therapy and various treatments allows a person to manage the condition and live a healthier life (Drake, Smith, Betts & Crowne, 2002). The paper looks at how lack of insulin causes the development of type 1 diabetes and for the best treatment recommended in managing the condition. Type 1 Diabetes Type 1 diabetes forms when the pancreatic glands produce l ess or no insulin when a person suffers from type 1 diabetes. Insulin is a hormone produced that lets sugar enter cells to generate energy. When the body starts resisting insulin effects, it results to type 2 diabetes. The various signs and symptoms of type 1 diabetes include extreme hunger, enhanced thirst, recurrent urination, fatigue, and weight loss. Some causes of type 1 diabetes include exposure to specific viruses or genetics. However, the exact cause of this condition is not clear. Most people develop type 1 diabetes because their immune system starts destroying insulin instead of fighting viruses and other harmful bacteria, which mainly occur due to genetics (Garg, 2011). The condition may be prevalent in young people, however; it can also develop during adulthood. There has been a lot of research carried out to determine the best treatment for diabetes. However, there is no cure for the condition. The best a person can do is to manage it and prevent severe cases such as ty pe 2 diabetes. Insulin Types of insulin depend on their speed of effectiveness, when they peak and the amount of time they last. The strengths of insulin have different levels with the most general being U-100 (Gillespie, 2006). The United States manufactures insulin, however; it is possible to use animal insulin (Gillespie, 2006). The pancreas has beta cells that make and release insulin hormones with every meal. Insulin assists the body in using and storing blood glucose it receives from food. A person suffering from type 1 diabetes no longer produces insulin because the beta cells in the pancreas no longer work. The difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes is that type 2 diabetes produces insulin, but the body fails to respond to it (Drake, Smith, Betts & Crowne, 2002). The best way to receive insulin medication is through direct injections into the fat under the skin. There are different types of insulin that a person can inject to manage type 1 diabetes. Rapid-acting insul in starts working five minutes after its injection and continues for about four hours afterwards. Regular insulin is short acting since it gets to the bloodstream after 30minutes, but it is more effective than rapid-acting insulin because it continues to work for six hours. There is intermediate and long acting insulin that work four hours and ten hours after injection, respectively (Gillespie, 2006). The longer the time any type of insulin takes to starts acting the
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Management Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Management - Coursework Example The definition of management is viewed in varied perspectives. Initially, it was viewed as an art of getting the work done. But this view has evolved in course of time as management is seen as something more than just getting things done. It was strongly believed that a good management should pave the way for the growth and development of the organization rather than merely focusing on job done by the employers. Harold Koontz sees "management as the art of getting things done through and with people in formally organized groups." (Akrani 2011). It is an art of creating an environment where employees perform their allocated tasks optimally as separate individuals yet cooperate among themselves with a view of attaining the organizational objectives. Later, management was seen as a process by which managers create, direct, maintain and operate purposive organizational goals through systematic coordination and cooperation. It is the distinct process by which managers plan and carry out a ll the activities of the organization in order to accomplish the goals by the efficient use of the manpower and other resources in hand. When we refer to the management, we not only refer the group of managers who organize and plan, but also the continuous set of processes that aids the managers to develop different strategies for the organization. Although, Steve Jobs was not alive when iPhone 5 was released this year, the pre-set processes developed by him and his management only facilitated its launch. Better handling of the process with cooperation will ensure better management. At the same time, strategy formulation is not the end of the task of the management, they have to aptly implement or operationalize it. This indeed improves the organizational as well as the managerial abilities of the concern. â€Å"The failure to balance the tensions between strategy and operations is pervasive: Various studies done in the past 25 years indicate that 60% to 80% of companies fall short of the success predicted from their new strategies.†(Kaplan and Norton 2008). A complete analysis of the strategies as well as its implementation process by the management will bring out better operational goals by the organization. Overall, management brings together all the resources of any business concern such as the manpower, money, machines, methods and market as a whole, and uses it optimally for success. Thus optimum utilization of the resources by the management will ensure better results in achieving the organizational objectives. In short, the term management is concerned with the goal determination, policy formulation, strategic planning and overall control of the organizational activities. Characteristics of Management â€Å"Management is the art of getting things done through and with people in formally organized groups, the art of creating an environment in such an organized group where people can perform as individuals and yet cooperate toward attainment of group goals†(Koontz 1961). Thus, management consist of a group of individuals or an individual who keenly analyze all the resources, formulate ideas, utilize the existing abilities and take the strategic decision that would serve for the betterment of the organization. Thus managerial ability is not a technical skill to be attained but involves a
Monday, November 18, 2019
How managemnet team cam have agood fight Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
How managemnet team cam have agood fight - Essay Example From this perspective it was argued that from these disagreements comes a better range of opinions which as necessary to effectively operate in todays business environment. However, this conflict often becomes unproductive and it is the task of managers to keep the healthy disagreements from evolving into dysfunctional conflict. The paper highlighted that in the past, a case study was conducted on top management teams in technology based companies. Conflict was not really observed in four of the twelve companies and of the remaining companies four had effectively managed to avoid interpersonal conflict and the other four had been unsuccessful in this endeavour. The authors of the study had identified that the successful companies (That we able to separate substantive issues from interpersonal issues) had exemplified six tactics which were that they worked with more information and debated on the basis of facts, they developed multiple alternatives, they shared commonly agreed upon goals, they maintained a balanced power structure, and they were able to resolve issues without having to force consensus. As such the focus of the paper was based on delineating the strengths of these aforementioned characteristics. In regards to basing discussion on current, factual information, it is a common belief that generating more information and working with too much data is likely to increase the likelihood of conflict by providing more issues for debate. However the opposite generally held true insofar as having good data encourages people to focus on issues and not personalities. Several examples were given to highlight how this tactic held true but for a contrary argument it was postulated by the authors that in scenarios where there is a absence of quality information people tend to argue over issues of opinion (Which is a foundation to interpersonal conflict). By avoiding scenarios where management is forced
Friday, November 15, 2019
Porters Five Forces Analysis Marketing Essay
Porters Five Forces Analysis Marketing Essay Introduction The main purpose of applying the five forces analysis is to identify the key factors in the industrial environment that influence the organizations capabilities to position itself in order to merit competitive advantage. It is a framework for industry analysis and business strategy development formed by Michael Porter. An industry is a group of firms that market products which are close substitutes for each other (e.g. the car industry, the hotel industry).Some industries are more profitable than others, the answer lies in understanding the dynamics of competitive structure in an industry. Porters Five Forces Model is one of the most influential analytical models for assessing the nature of competition in an industry. Porter explains that there are five forces that determine industry attractiveness and long-run industry profitability. These five competitive forces are the threat of new competitors entry, the threat of substitutes, the bargaining power of buyers, the bargaining power of suppliers, and the degree of rivalry between existing competitors. Porters five forces diagram. Source: Introduction to hotel industry A hotel is an institution that provides a short-term paid residence. In the past, hotels were just a small room with a bed, cupboard, and a table, but now it has totally changed to something else. Nowadays hotels are luxurious residences that include different types of facilities. Most of the hotels now include spas, swimming pools, fitness centers, conferences rooms and international restaurants. Even the rooms are now bigger and include many comfort facilities. Malaysian Association of Hotels (MAH) was established in 1974. It is now being officially recognized as a National Hotel Association. Now it sets the regulations and minimum acceptable levels for being a legal verified hotel in Malaysia. It has 2,184 registered members and 17 more hotels in the next 3 years. Table: Hotels and rooms supply 2010/2011 Bargaining power of suppliers The term suppliers comprises all sources for inputs that are needed in order to provide goods or services. The two key suppliers to the Hotel industry are labors and real estate Over all the suppliers in this market are defined as property owners, developers and real estate companies, interior design and furnishings companies, architects, management and training service providers, marketing companies, industry consultants and ICT manufacturers. Category Rating 1-10 Remarks Number of suppliers 6 (medium) Considerable no. of local and Chinese contractors Small number of quality training providers and skilled employees. Availability of substitute 6(medium) Substitutes for property (real estate agents), designers, and employees are available. Switching cost category 2 (low) -substitute for hotel are few.. Suppliers threat of forward integration 2 (low) Suppliers are highly unlikely to forward integrate into the hotel business Industrys treat backward integration 5 (high) -hotels could backward integrate to own real estate company. They could have their own training wing. Contribution to quality 5 (high) -Property development and real estate companies add to the quality so does skilled labor and quality training Contribution to cost 2 (low) -Most suppliers are much smaller companies compared to hotel companies. -Hence hotel companies have a much higher bargaining power. suppliers contribution to cost is low Overall, the number of suppliers for the Hotel industry is quite large and each supplier is very small in size compared to the leading players in the industry. These few powerful players are indispensable to the suppliers. Substitutability of the suppliers is also quite feasible and inexpensive. Switching between real estate agents is not goingto affect a particular Hotel company significantly. However in terms of quality, training centers for employees and ICT manufacturers who provide IT systems thatfor property management are relatively more difficult to replace. Therefore in terms of substitute suppliers industry attractiveness is moderately high. Unlike the supplier is threat of forward integration, Industry is threat of backwardintegration is pretty high since large hotel chains like ITC or IHCL would have no qualms expanding into the real estate business or developing employee training facilities in-house. Similarlythe industry is contribution to both cost and quality isrelatively high. Overall bargaining power of suppliers is low and industry is attractiveness in terms of supplier bargaining power is high (4). BARGAINING POWER OF BUYERS The bargaining power of buyers determines how much customers can impose pressure on margins and volumes. The end-users of the high-end hotel industry are:- Leisure traveler Business traveler Customers who require space for conferences or other events Category Rating 1-10 Remarks -Number of Buyers 7(high) -Buyers are numerous and small in size.- Losing one customer cannot going to make a difference. Their bargaining power is low -Availability of substitutes: (medium) -Multiple substitutes for a given hotel or brand is available -Informal accommodation for friends and family is available alternative -Corporate guest houses for the business traveler -Switching cost: 2(low) -Switching costs arenegligible Buyers are price sensitiveexcept in the -Buyers threat of backward integration: 5(high) Customers are will notconstruct a hotel or buy a place of residence for each place they visit. -Contribution to quality 2(low) Additional facilities suchas spas, gyms etc. are usedmy hotels to improve thequality of customers stay -contribution to cost 5(high) Brand image is veryimportant in this industry and leads to extra cost, Additional amenities,training of staff, locationrent (like close to airport)etc. -Buyers profitability 2(low) Low buyers profitability- In the mid -segment, there are numerous buyers, of very small profitability In the premium segment, buyers are very affluent, and they have greater bargaining power comparedto the mid-segment Industrys threat of forward integration. 4(medium) -low chances or forward integration This industry has many customers who are relatively very small in size. Loss of a single customer has little impact on a hotel company and this drives down the buyers bargaining power. Similarly buyers threat of backward integration is almost impossible and so the industry is under threat of forward integration. However the industry does have several substitutes such as camping and recreational vehicles for tourists, corporate guesthouses for business travelers and other informal means of accommodation with friends and family. Switching cost for all these options is very low, except for the RV. Apart from the provision of accommodation, hotels also provide additional facilities and services such as restaurants, gyms, spas, conference halls, ball rooms, lounges etc. Therefore their contribution to quality as well as cost for the buyer is very high. Barriers of entry Category Rating 1-10 Remarks Economies of scale 5(high) High economies of scale- Very important to operatea chain of hotels in multiplelocations, especially for the premium segment. This reduces thedependence on tourismtrends at any given location Product differentiation 4(medium) Highly differentiated- Brand names and valuesare very important in attracting and retaining customers -brand identity 4(medium) Brand is very important. -switching cost 2(low) -low switching cost -capital requirement 4(medium) -capital intensive. -staff, dà ©cor, infrastructure e.t.c is very expensive. -Access to technology 3(moderate) -ICT is very important for property management. -Access to raw material 4(medium) -Labor, land and other essentials are easy to obtain. -government protection 3(moderate) -The tourism industry receives government. -exit barriers 2(low) -High exit barriers. Specialized assets for the industry. Brand names are very important in the hotel industry. Companies use their strong brand names to attract new customers and retain old ones. Besides, economies of scale are also a huge factor in this industry. Profitability of hotel chains is drastically higher than individual operations. A new entrant cannot compete with established players in terms of quality, price and even services. If they cannot establish significant economies of scale.Being a capital intensive industry with a large amount of it tied down in fixed costs, makes entry more difficult. Similarly high exit barriers due to specializedassets make the industry less attractive.The hospitality industry is strongly influenced by travel and tourism trends. Government protection for the tourism industry is very high and this in turn rubs off on the hotel industry making it thereby making the industry attractive in general. Competitive power of rivalry players This aspect describes the intensity of competition between existing players (companies) in an industry. High competitive pressure results or leads to pressure on price margins and on profitability for every single company in the industry. The following table shows the analysis of the rivalry between hotels. factors Ratings (5) Remarks. No. of competitions 4 (high) Small number of large operators Industry growth 3 (medium) Annual growth rate of 15% Fixed cost 1 (low) Highly capital intensive differentiations 4 (high) Strong brand name commands a very high price premium. Switching cost 2 (moderate) Low cost switching to similar brands Openness to terms of sale 4 (high) Price, taxes etc. are known Excess capacity 2 (moderate) Only 70% rooms occupied Strategic stakes 2 (moderate) Although large hotel companies have diversified they still have a majority stake in the hotel industry. Summary Porter Five Forces Factor Current Future Rating(5) Key Rationale Rating Key Rationale Threat of New Entrants 4 reasonable  5 sensible Competitive Rivalry 4 reasonable 5 sensible Threat of Substitute Products 3 average 4 reasonable Supplier Relative Buying Power 5 sensible 4 reasonable Buyer Relative Buying Power 4   reasonable 4  reasonable Conclusion Porter five forces analysis was used effectively to determine the hotel industries in Malaysia based on treat of new entrants, competitive rivalry, and treat of substitute products, suppliers-relative buying power, and buyer-relative buying power. Hotel is a very flourishing industry in Malaysia with not so many substitutes so the treat of substitute products is very low. Rivalry between hotels is not very high because rivalry is based on classification (5-star hotels compete against other 5-star hotels). Finally in the future relative buying powers will decrease because there will be many new entrants.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Rwanda Report :: essays research papers
Rwanda Report Rwanda is an African country in East Central Africa. Rwanda is just a very little degrees below the Equator which is not too shabby in my mind. Below the Equator would be in the south and so it is actually in south central. Get it South Central (get it)HA!HA! In Rwanda there are about seven hundred and ten per square which in my mind a whole lot of people I don't think even San Bernardino has that many but what do I know. Rwanda is twenty six thousand three hundred and eighty eight miles squared which in my mind is tiny but I'll say again what do I knows. So to figure out what the exact population of this measly little country you must multiply seven hundred and ten by twenty six thousand three hundred and eighty eight and you get a whole lot but when I looked in the book it said seven million two hundred twenty two thousand people. This enormous number doesn't look right but I am too lazy too get up and get a calculator too check so I'll take their word of it. The capital city in Rwanda is Kigali which is also the biggest city in Rwanda I can't find how big it is but it must be bigger than twenty miles square and under twenty six thousand three hundred and thirty eight square miles. The official name of Rwanda is called The Republic Of Rwanda. Rwanda is also landlocked which doesn't help much either. Since it is landlocked I will tell you which countries it is surrounded by on the north it is by Ughanda, on the east by Tanzanian the south by Burundi and finally on the west it is next to Zaire. Rwanda is one of the poorest countries in the world and it is one of the most densely populated country in the world. One of the reasons for Rwanda being in such a bad state of poverty is that there was a Civil war between the Hutu and the Tutsi which fought for stupid reasons. Well at least I think that they are stupid reasons but to them it was probably some serious stuff that they don't take very lightly. The Hutu are very short people that make up about ninety two percent of the population. The Hutu are not pygmies but they are very short people that are about three feet tall a piece which is about two feet shorter than I am and now that is pretty short in my mind.
Monday, November 11, 2019
The History of Schizophrenia
The History of Schizophrenia Schizophrenia is a severe psychiatric disorder with symptoms of emotional instability, detachment from reality, and withdrawal into the self. The word â€Å"Schizophrenia†is less than 100 years old. However the disease was first identified as a discrete mental illness by Dr. Emile Kraepelin in the 1887 and the illness itself is generally believed to have accompanied mankind throughout its history. There are documents that identify Schizophrenia can be traced to the old Pharaonic Egypt, as far back as the second millennium before Christ. Depression, dementia, as well as thought disturbances that are typical in schizophrenia are described in detail in the Book of Hearts. The Heart and the mind seem to have been synonymous in ancient Egypt. The physical illnesses were regarded as symptoms of the heart and the uterus and originating from the blood vessels or from purulence, fecal matter, a poison or demons. Some recent study into the ancient Greek and Roman literature showed that although the general population probably had an awareness of psychotic disorders, there was no condition that would meet the modern diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia in these societies. At one point in history, all people who were considered â€Å"abnormal,†whether due to mental illness, mental retardation, or physical deformities, were largely treated the same. Early theories supposed that mental disorders were caused by evil possession of the body, and the appropriate treatment was then exorcising these demons, through various means, ranging from innocuous treatments, such as exposing the patient to certain types of music, to dangerous and sometimes deadly means, such as releasing the evil spirits by drilling holes in the patient's skull. One of the first to classify the mental disorders into different categories was the German physician, Dr. Emile Kraepelin. He used the term â€Å"dementia praecox†for individuals who had symptoms that we now associate with schizophrenia. The nonspecific concept of madness has been around for many thousands of years and schizophrenia was only classified as a distinct mental disorder by Kraepelin in 1887. He was the first to make a distinction in the psychotic disorders between what he called dementia praecox and manic depression. Kraepelin believed that dementia praecox was primarily a disease of the brain, and particularly a form of dementia. Kraepelin named the disorder ‘dementia praecox' (early dementia) to distinguish it from other forms of dementia (such as Alzheimer's disease) which typically occur late in life. He used this term because his studies focused on young adults with dementia. The Swiss psychiatrist, Eugen Bleuler, coined the term, â€Å"schizophrenia†in 1911. He was also the first to describe the symptoms as â€Å"positive†or â€Å"negative. †Bleuler changed the name to schizophrenia as it was obvious that Krapelin's name was misleading as the illness was not a dementia (it did not always lead to mental deterioration) and could sometimes occur late as well as early in life. The word â€Å"schizophrenia†comes from the Greek roots schizo (split) and phrene (mind) to describe the fragmented thinking of people with the disorder. His term was not meant to convey the idea of split or multiple personality, a common misunderstanding by the public at large. Since Bleuler's time, the definition of schizophrenia has continued to change, as scientists attempt to more accurately delineate the different types of mental diseases. Without knowing the exact causes of these diseases, scientists can only base their classifications on the observation that some symptoms tend to occur together. Both Bleuler and Kraepelin subdivided schizophrenia into categories, based on prominent symptoms and prognoses. Over the years, those working in this field have continued to attempt to classify types of schizophrenia. Five types were delineated in the DSM-III: disorganized, catatonic, paranoid, residual, and undifferentiated. The first three categories were originally proposed by Kraepelin. These classifications, while still employed in DSM-IV, have not shown to be helpful in predicting outcome of the disorder, and the types are not reliably diagnosed. Many researchers are using other systems to classify types of the disorder, based on the preponderance of â€Å"positive†verses â€Å"negative†symptoms, the progression of the disorder in terms of type and severity of symptoms over time, and the co-occurrence of other mental disorders and syndromes. It is hoped that differentiating types of schizophrenia based on clinical symptoms will help to determine different etiologies or causes of the disorder. The evidence that schizophrenia is a biologically-based disease of the brain has accumulated rapidly during the past two decades. Recently this evidence has been also been supported with dynamic brain imaging systems that show very precisely the wave of tissue destruction that takes place in the brain that is suffering from schizophrenia. The 1800's saw a slow progression towards an eventual schizophrenia definition. From the 1800's on, schizophrenia history begins to gain ground as researchers began to understand the nature of the disease: Although the nineteenth century saw great strides towards a schizophrenic definition, â€Å"lunatic asylums†of the time were often little more than human zoos. For a fee, well to do ladies and gentlemen could tour the asylums, viewing the patients. No doubt the psychotic behavior of schizophrenics made them popular â€Å"attractions†during these degrading tours. Schizophrenia in Recent Times The start of the twentieth century saw, for the first time in schizophrenia history, a practical schizophrenia definition and the birth of effective treatments. In 1911 Eugene Beuler first used the term schizophrenia, and his schizophrenia definition includes symptoms such as blunted emotions, disordered thoughts, and loss of awareness. Then in 1957, Kurt Schneider created the schizophrenic definition still in use today, and is the first person in the long history of schizophrenia to list the currently accepted features of schizophrenia. Schizophrenia definitely has a very significant genetic component. Those who have a third degree relative with schizophrenia are twice as likely to develop schizophrenia as those in the general population. Those with a second degree relative have a several-fold higher incidence of schizophrenia than the general population, and first degree relatives have an incidence of schizophrenia an order of magnitude higher than the general populace. The History of Schizophrenia Treatment in the Twentieth Century Schizophrenia history abounds in unusual treatments and bizarre â€Å"cures. †Indeed, the twentieth century stands apart from the rest of schizophrenia history because it saw the first effective schizophrenia treatment: the first antipsychotic drug was created in 1952. The twentieth century also saw some controversial schizophrenia â€Å"cures. †Portuguese doctor, Egus Moniz, developed the lobotomy in the 1930s. Moniz won a Nobel Peace prize for his work in 1949. The lobotomy procedure cut the nerve fibers from the frontal lobe to the interior of the brain, where emotions are generated. Patients were less agitated and aggressive after a lobotomy. Of course, patients were also left indifferent and with blunted emotions, but this didn't squelch the lobotomy's popularity as a schizophrenia treatment. Patients could be released from hospitals after lobotomies, saving both hospitals and family members money. Lobotomy procedures varied. American neurologist John Freeman created perhaps the most bizarre procedure. Freeman traveled America performing lobotomies for the benefit of audiences comprised of journalists and medical professionals: to call him a medical showman isn't stretching the truth much. Freeman's lobotomies were simple, quick, and medically preposterous. With the patient under anesthesia, Freeman placed an ice pick (yes, you read that correctly) into an area just above the eyeball. Using a hammer, he drove the ice pick into the patient's brain to a depth of approximately one inch. Lobotomies fell into disfavor as people noticed patients often died from lobotomy-induced epilepsy or surgical infections. Severe brain damage was also shown in many cases (not that it should have required a study to prove an ice pick to the brain caused extensive damage). Still, between the 1940s and the 1950s over 40,000 Americans were lobotomized. Shock therapy was developed at the same time lobotomies were darkening schizophrenia history. Approaches to shock therapy varied. Some doctors used insulin injections; others preferred Metrazol or electricity. Insulin often left patients in comas. Both Metrazol and electricity caused seizures, and electric shock therapy often caused memory loss. Surprisingly, electroconvulsive therapy is still used to treat some cases of schizophrenia and severe depression. Current techniques are supposed to be much safer, but many medical professionals consider electroconvulsive therapy very dangerous, and something that should only be used as a last resort. Since schizophrenia may not be a single condition and its causes are not yet known, current treatment methods are based on both clinical research and experience. These approaches are chosen on the basis of their ability to reduce the symptoms of schizophrenia and to lessen the chances that symptoms will return. Medications For Schizophrenia: Antipsychotic medications have been available since the mid-1950s. They have greatly improved the outlook for individual patients. These medications reduce the psychotic symptoms of schizophrenia and usually allow the patient to function more effectively and appropriately. Antipsychotic drugs are the best treatment now available, but they do not â€Å"cure†schizophrenia or ensure that there will be no further psychotic episodes. The choice and dosage of medication can be made only by a qualified physician who is well trained in the medical treatment of mental disorders. The dosage of medication is individualized for each patient, since people may vary a great deal in the amount of drug needed to reduce symptoms without producing troublesome side effects. The large majority of people with schizophrenia show substantial improvement when treated with antipsychotic drugs. Some patients, however, are not helped very much by the medications and a few do not seem to need them. No frames is difficult to predict which patients will fall into these two groups and to distinguish them from the large majority of patients who do benefit from treatment with antipsychotic drugs. A number of new ntipsychotic drugs (the so-called â€Å"atypical antipsychotics†) have been introduced since 1990. The first of these, clozapine (Clozaril), has been shown to be more effective than other antipsychotics, although the possibility of severe side effects – in particular, a condition called agranulocytosis (loss of the white blood cells that fight infection) â€⠀ requires that patients be monitored with blood tests every one or two weeks. Even newer antipsychotic drugs, such as risperidone (Risperdal) and olanzapine (Zyprexa), are safer than the older drugs or clozapine, and they also may be better tolerated. They may or may not treat the illness as well as clozapine, however. Several additional antipsychotics are currently under development. Antipsychotic drugs are often very effective in treating certain symptoms of schizophrenia, particularly hallucinations and delusions; unfortunately, the drugs may not be as helpful with other symptoms, such as reduced motivation and emotional expressiveness. Indeed, the older antipsychotics (which also went by the name of â€Å"neuroleptics†), medicines like haloperidol (Haldol) or chlorpromazine (Thorazine), may even produce side effects that resemble the more difficult to treat symptoms. Often, lowering the dose or switching to a different medicine may reduce these side effects; the newer medicines, including olanzapine (Zyprexa), quetiapine (Seroquel), and risperidone (Risperdal), appear less likely to have this problem. Patients and families sometimes become worried about the antipsychotic medications used to treat schizophrenia. In addition to concern about side effects, they may worry that such drugs could lead to addiction. However, antipsychotic medications do not produce a â€Å"high†(euphoria) or addictive behavior in people who take them. Another misconception about antipsychotic drugs is that they act as a kind of mind control, or a â€Å"chemical straitjacket. †Antipsychotic drugs used at the proper dosage does not â€Å"knock out†people or take away their free will. While these medications can be sedating, and while this effect can be useful when treatment is initiated particularly if an individual is quite agitated, the utility of the drugs is not due to sedation but to their ability to diminish the hallucinations, agitation, confusion, and delusions of a psychotic episode. Thus, antipsychotic medications should eventually help an individual with schizophrenia to deal with the world more rationally. Treatment of schizophrenia depends upon a life-long regimen of both drug and psychosocial, support therapies. While the medication helps control the psychosis associated with schizophrenia (e. g. , the delusions and hallucinations), it cannot help the person find a job, learn to be effective in social relationships, increase the individual's coping skills, and help them learn to communicate and work well with others. Poverty, homelessness, and unemployment are often associated with this disorder, but they don't have to be. If the individual finds appropriate treatment and sticks with it, a person with schizophrenia can lead a happy and successful life. But the initial recovery from the first symptoms of schizophrenia can be an extremely lonely experience. Individuals coping with the onset of schizophrenia for the first time in their lives require all the support that their families, friends, and communities can provide. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ 1
Friday, November 8, 2019
Predicting Formulas of Ionic Compounds Example Problem
Predicting Formulas of Ionic Compounds Example Problem This problem demonstrates how to predict the molecular formulas of ionic compounds. Problem Predict the formulas of the ionic compounds formed by the following elements: lithium and oxygen (Li and O)nickel and sulfur (Ni and S)bismuth and fluorine (Bi and F)magnesium and chlorine (Mg and Cl) Solution First, look at the locations of the elements on the periodic table. Atoms in the same column as each other (group) tend to exhibit similar characteristics, including the number of electrons the elements would need to gain or lose to resemble the nearest noble gas atom. To determine common ionic compounds formed by elements, keep the following in mind: Group I ions (alkali metals) have 1 charges.Group 2 ions (alkaline earth metals) have 2 charges.Group 6 ions (nonmetals) have -2 charges.Group 7 ions (halides) have -1 charges.There is no simple way to predict the charges of the transition metals. Look at a table listing charges (valences) for possible values. For introductory and general chemistry courses, the 1, 2, and 3 charges are most often used. When you write the formula for an ionic compound, remember that the positive ion is always listed first. Write down the information you have for the usual charges of the atoms and balance them to answer the problem. Lithium has a 1 charge and oxygen has a -2 charge, therefore2 Li ions are required to balance 1 O2- ion.Nickel has a charge of 2 and sulfur has a -2 charge, therefore1 Ni 2 ion is required to balance 1 S2- ion.Bismuth has a 3 charge and Fluorine has a -1 charge, therefore1 Bi3 ion is required to balance 3 F- ions.Magnesium has a 2 charge and chlorine has a -1 charge, therefore1 Mg2 ion is required to balance 2 Cl- ions. Answer Li2ONiSBiF3MgCl2 The charges listed above for atoms within groups are the common charges, but you should be aware that the elements sometimes take on different charges. See the table of the valences of the elements for a list of the charges that the elements have been known to assume.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
MCAS essays
MCAS essays The whole Mcas testing is simply the plot of anxious politicians trying to make themselves look appealing in the lime light. They put kids like us through this horrible stress and agony so they will have an education reform to make. They give huge curriculums that are near impossible to accomplish unless school was extended by 2 hours a day and by excluding summer vacation. Teachers are never ready to teach all of this, half of it they were never taught themselves. Also, making it a requirement to pass high school is eronious. To say that a child has to know the field excavation plan of a ecologically stable grassland is completely irrelevant to the future they may plan in culinary arts. The MCAS are unfair, outrageous, and just a way for politicians to boost their ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Ethics issue in end of life decision making Essay
Ethics issue in end of life decision making - Essay Example According to Dartmouth and the Mayo Clinic, Medicare provides between $25,000 and $50,000 for end of life care, due to the common need for older citizens to receive multiple specialist care in their last years of life (Abelson, 2009). These are very high payments in an already-strained Medicare system and, if the end of life care goes on for many years, families might be forced to take on the financial burden when government-sponsored healthcare payments are refused. Because approximately 30 percent of the population is over the age of 50, the scope of the problem is massive, especially during a period where Medicare payments are going to be reduced by the government in the next ten years. The Baby Boomer generation makes up 74 percent of all prescription drug spending, which is a $100 billion market (Reece, 2010). This is big business for pharmaceutical companies and various health care providers and contributes highly to their profit margins. Profit earned from this high-consuming, aging group of citizens helps different hospitals and pharmaceutical companies expand their business practices and make certain capital improvements. This professional group, as well as certain retailers, would likely be satisfied to see more aging citizens in the health care system, as older Americans also spend more on personal care products and health products than any other consumer group (, 2007). High concentrations of end of life care could spell regional or nationwide profit margins in many retail organizations, health care providers, and hospitals. There are considerable ethical concerns in this situation, as multiple specialist care might be provided to aging cit izens when such analyses are not required simply to ensure profit and receive continuous governmental payments through Medicare. At the political level, the current health care reform package
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Compare Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 5
Compare - Essay Example In the US, students are allowed to be active participants rather than passive ones. They are allowed to question the teacher and are more involved in group discussions. On the other hand, education in UAE revolves around the teacher and the educational institutes. In such universities students are expected to follow a conformist style of education where they are expected to belief that what they are being taught is accurate and enough for them. Furthermore, there is even a major difference in the teaching methods of both the educational arenas. In the United States students are involved more in application based learning, while in the UAE students are expected to focus on the books and application is given no or very less importance. Furthermore, the people studying in the educational institutes of US experience a diverse range of students who belong to both eastern and western cultures, while students of UAE educational institutes mostly belong to Eastern regions. Bahgat, Gawdat. "Education in the Gulf Monarchies: Retrospect and Prospect." International Review of Education/internationale Zeitschrift Fuer Erziehungswissenschaft/revue Internationale De Leducation. 45.2 (1999): 127-36.
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