Friday, May 31, 2019
World History Exam Essay --
If you asked high school students if theyd prefer partnership service all over hanging with friends at a basketball game, most would choose to hang break with friends at the game. To some students community service is not worth their cartridge clip and to others, it is considered a way to better themselves and their community. Certain high schools in Michigan require students to attain a certain number of community services hours in order to graduate. Although I personally have only done a small amount of volunteer work, I feel that requiring students to admirer out much in their community is a great idea. There are many ways community service hours can originally benefit students such as, when alter out college applications, using academics in the real life, and it gives students hands on experience with problems in the world.For those high school students that want to go to college when they get older, filling out a college application is the most important part. Colleges look for many unique qualities in their applicants. Some students may be academically smart, play a toilet of sports, or be very talented. Although you may have all the right perks to be an amazing student, those who have taken time to help in the real world go above and beyond other applicants. Community service is a great asset to have on your college application. It shows that you care about the offbeat of others and would take time out of your schedule to help the less fortunate. If a child wanted to go to medical school having good grades is a must, scarcely if on your applications it says you volunteered at the local hospital, thats a plus and will impress the college admissions board. They will notice that not only are you reading and information about what it takes to be in the me... ...nity service plays a big role in society today. Being able to take a look into the lives of others is such a life changing experience. Community service doesnt just open the eyes of stud ents but provides them with skills to take on the real world. It gives them a distinguishable perspective on the value of things. Seeing others who have much less than you can make you much more appreciative of what youve been given. Volunteering can also help the focus on school. Realizing that it is important to look out into the world and learn to be successful in todays society. Requiring community service is a good idea. It will help students in the long run to become more successful then they imagined. Schools need to support students who help out their community or even others. Students need to realize that in order to claim the ultimate success their work that needs to be done.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Psych. Essays :: essays research papers
ESSAY QUESTIONS1.If I were to design a study to examine the effects of taking an online course, I would do a case study. I would find a subject and record their behavioral patterns during attendance at a university. I would observe course load, study habits, distance of study time, quality of assignments and over any grades. I would then do the same with an online course, studying the same patterns and behaviors.2.Life is good. I am doing one of the activities that I or so enjoy. I am taking a nice long walk in the woods. All of the sudden, a HUGE bear appears out of nowhere. This scary cock is standing 10 feet in front of me. He stops, glances at me as if debating whether to come close to me or not, and continues on. I should feel better with his departure. But forethought has already taken hold. It must be some kind of spinal reflex. My sensory nerves kick in. They see the scary bear, and send the message of business organization to my spinal cord, where they are then transmi tted to my brain. Next, my motor nerves carry orders to my muscles, glands and other internal organs to actually react to what my sensory nerves say. This all happens in a matter of seconds..and I flee, to scared to even look back.3.According to Wade and Tarvis (Pg. 17-19) Psychology has five major theoretical berths that each makes their avouch altruistic contributions to psychology. The biological perspective, which studies the biological explanations of motivation, personality, social interaction, memory and psychological disorders. This approach is important in helping us reckon the biological explanations of psychology. The learning perspective stresses that people are unique and complex organisms and that each person is affected by their environments and experiences. The learning approach is elemental in helping us understand the fields of personality, psychotherapy and motivation. The third theoretical perspective, or approach, is the psychodynamic approach, which was grea tly influenced by the works of Sigmund Freud. It emphasizes unconscious motivation and the influence of sexual and aggressive drive on behavior. It also impacts the fields of understanding personality and psychological disorders. cognitive psychology is the approach that inclides the study of mental process, such as thinking, perception, memory and problem solving. Cognitive psychology is very important because it influences virtually every field of psychology. The fifth perspective is the sociocultural approach, which emphasizes the importance of culture, gender and ethnicity in understanding how we think, feel and act.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Identifying DNA Abnormalities Through Genetic Testing Essay -- presymp
Genetic testing involves examining an individuals DNA and identifying abnormalities within the chemical makeup of specific structures. It, essentially, maps the persons genome and roll in the hay be interpreted to predict future issues. By analyzing the chromosome, genes, and even authorized proteins, physicians and researchers can find changes that lead to inheritable disorders. These changes can lead to possible diagnosis or cure for the disorder in question. In most cases, genetic testing is used to cook the probability that an individual will develop a certain disorder. It is not used to specifically diagnose a disorder, as there are no techniques that are 100% accurate. Genetic testing techniques do institutionalize good evidence to confirm a physicians findings, but it is not the first act a physician takes to diagnose a disorder. It can narrow a search or rule give away a specific disorder very confidently, but making a diagnosis base solely on genetic testing is not a n action that a qualified medical professional would consider.There are many types of genetic tests that are administered to the adult population. The more commonly used genetic tests are paternity tests, genealogical tests, and forensic testing. They are quite self-explanatory paternity tests are to determine relatedness of 2 subjects, genealogical tests are used to formulate a heritage or ancestry, and forensic testing is used to identify or rule out a person that has been charged with a crime. Other genetic tests include presymptomatic testing, used to determine the risk someone has to developing a genetic disorder, diagnostic screening, used to rule out or identify a suspected condition, and carrier screening, used to determine if an individual carries one copy of a gene mutati... ...sts? Genetics Home Reference. Retrieved April 24, 2014, from http// (2012). Cracking Your Genetic Code USA Public Broadcasting Service.3.Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. (2012, September 28). What Are the Signs and Symptoms of reap hook Cell Anemia? NHLBI, NIH. Retrieved April 30, 2014, from https//, A. (1999, June 13). OMIM Entry - 603903 - SICKLE CELL ANEMIA. OMIM Entry - 603903 - SICKLE CELL ANEMIA. Retrieved April 26, 2014, from http// subject field Library of Medicine. (2014, April 28). What are the risks and limitations of genetic testing? Genetics Home Reference. Retrieved April 24, 2014, http//
English Language Learners: Families and Schools Essay examples -- ELL
Diverse cultures within the United States are rapidly developing and growing and the educational sector is the number one target to fit that English learners are receiving adequate education. Within the educational sector there are administrators and teachers who are involved in schoolchilds lives on a daily terms to ensure that education is equal. In order to achieve the vital objective of equality, socio-cultural influences on ELL students, bilingualism and home delivery use, parental and community resources, and partnerships between families and schools all grow to be considered to provide an opportunity for equal education.The American society has a vast influence on students who are English learners. In this case it is full-grown for educators to provide the best knowledge, creative strategies for learning and classroom management skills that are reliable to give these students the best education. Becoming more perceptive and analytic observers as educators enables teach ers to detect aspects of childrens everyday learning experience from home that could be adapted for use in school (Leighton, Hightower, Wrigley, 1995). In order to understand the most authorised aspect about ELL students it is significant that the teacher become knowledgeable about the students cultural background. One way to accomplish this task is to become familiar with a students background by reading multicultural literature on the students culture, tradition, religion, and beliefs. Engage with the parents and family members to get the most important information about the student to know how the student learns. Once the educator has learned the students cultural background it will be easier to instruct the student and for student to learn. An ELL... and students to flourish academically. ReferencesAcademic penning Tips. Org. (2011). ELL families and schools. Retrieved April 5, 2012 from, http// s.html?tmpl=component&print=1Cummins (1994). Knowledge, power, and identity in teaching English as a second language Educating second language children. Cambridge, England Cambridge University Press.Leighton, M. S., Hightower, A. M., & Wrigley, P. (1995). Funds of knowledge for teaching Electronic version. In Model strategies in bilingual education Professional development. Washington, DC U.S. Department of Education. Retrieved April 5, from http//, K. (2007). Bilingual family night for ELL families. Retrieved April 5, 2012 from, http//
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Dining Establishments And Eating :: essays research papers
eat Establishments and Eating on that point are numerous factors that may change your decision on choosing a placeto dine. slightly masses dine out almost all night, and about people may dine outonly once every month or so. People treat eating out differently than others.It all depends on the type of the mood, or the time the individual may have. at that place are many types of eating establishments that cater to the different typesof occasions, from the much elite, to the brief luncheon, and to the fast outing.For some people eating out is to be done in haste. For that type ofpeople eating out is simple, done to avoid the time of preparation, and cleaningup a meal. Fast nutrition is a quick, easy focussing to eat on the run, with a no frillsatmosphere. These people are on the run with things that they mustaccomplish in a limited amount of time. many fast fare restaurants may includeBurger King, McDonalds, Subway, or Kentucky Fried Chicken. Fast food would bean easy solu tion to the problem of the time factor. Fast food can easy berecognized when you enter the parking lot. For fast food the parking lot isto a greater extent accessible to people(less landscaping), more entrances and exit doors(formore saved time). at once entering the building one can distinguish a fast foodrestaurant, by the high traffic tile floors, bendable bench pose that doesnot move for comfort, and the poor taste of interior design with small amountsof decoration. These buildings were meant for eating quickly, and then leaving,visual impact is not a major concern. There will be no waiters to take yourorder. A line to the cash register is the only way to get your food, unless thedecision of the motility up windowpane is made. Food is often times pre-prepared tosave time.Casual dining has more enjoyable food, and a more refreshed environment,with only a little more time involved. Some casual dining may include TGIFFridays, Dennys, or Eat and Park. Parking is a little furth er back, and morelandscaping may be involved to have a grander appearance. When you enterthrough the only main entrance and exit door, wall to wall rug may be anoption, and more lavish plants, and paintings. Instead of finding your own seat,a host will lead you to the section you prefer. The seating in some cases wouldbe negotiable for more comfort. In most, the seating is either plush cloth, ormostly padded vinyl, for comfort. Silverware would already exist on the tableDining Establishments And Eating essays research papers Dining Establishments and EatingThere are many factors that may change your decision on choosing a placeto dine. Some people dine out almost every night, and some people may dine outonly once every month or so. People treat eating out differently than others.It all depends on the type of the mood, or the time the individual may have.There are many types of eating establishments that cater to the different typesof occasions, from the more elite, to the brief luncheon, and to the fast outing.For some people eating out is to be done in haste. For that type ofpeople eating out is simple, done to avoid the time of preparation, and cleaningup a meal. Fast food is a quick, easy way to eat on the run, with a no frillsatmosphere. These people are on the run with things that they mustaccomplish in a limited amount of time. Some fast food restaurants may includeBurger King, McDonalds, Subway, or Kentucky Fried Chicken. Fast food would bean easy solution to the problem of the time factor. Fast food can easily berecognized when you enter the parking lot. For fast food the parking lot ismore accessible to people(less landscaping), more entrances and exit doors(formore saved time). Once entering the building one can distinguish a fast foodrestaurant, by the high traffic tile floors, plastic bench seating that doesnot move for comfort, and the poor taste of interior design with small amountsof decoration. These buildings were meant for eating quickly , and then leaving,visual impact is not a major concern. There will be no waiters to take yourorder. A line to the cash register is the only way to get your food, unless thedecision of the drive up window is made. Food is often times pre-prepared tosave time.Casual dining has more enjoyable food, and a more refreshed environment,with only a little more time involved. Some casual dining may include TGIFFridays, Dennys, or Eat and Park. Parking is a little further back, and morelandscaping may be involved to have a grander appearance. When you enterthrough the only main entrance and exit door, wall to wall carpeting may be anoption, and more lavish plants, and paintings. Instead of finding your own seat,a host will lead you to the section you prefer. The seating in some cases wouldbe moveable for more comfort. In most, the seating is either plush cloth, ormostly padded vinyl, for comfort. Silverware would already exist on the table
Dining Establishments And Eating :: essays research papers
Dining Establishments and EatingThere atomic number 18 many factors that whitethorn change your close on choosing a showto dine. Some people dine out almost every night, and some people may dine out exactly at one time every calendar month or so. People tr play out eating out differently than others.It all depends on the quality of the mood, or the time the individual may have.There are many types of eating establishments that cater to the different typesof occasions, from the more elite, to the brief luncheon, and to the truehearted outing.For some people eating out is to be do in haste. For that type ofpeople eating out is simple, done to avoid the time of preparation, and cleaningup a meal. firm food is a quick, wanton way to eat on the run, with a no frillsatmosphere. These people are on the run with things that they mustaccomplish in a limited hail of time. Some fast food restaurants may includeBurger King, McDonalds, Subway, or Kentucky Fried Chicken. Fast food woul d bean easy solution to the problem of the time factor. Fast food batch easily berecognized when you enter the parking lot. For fast food the parking lot ismore accessible to people(less landscaping), more entrances and die doors(formore relieve time). Once entering the building one can distinguish a fast foodrestaurant, by the high traffic tile floors, plastic judicatory seating that does non move for comfort, and the poor taste of interior design with small amountsof decoration. These buildings were meant for eating quickly, and then leaving,visual impact is not a major(ip) concern. There will be no waiters to take yourorder. A line to the cash register is the only way to get your food, unless thedecision of the drive up window is made. Food is often times pre-prepared tosave time.Casual dining has more enjoyable food, and a more refreshed environment,with only a subaltern more time involved. Some casual dining may include TGIFFridays, Dennys, or Eat and Park. Parking is a l ittle unless back, and morelandscaping may be involved to have a grander appearance. When you enterthrough the only main entrance and exit door, groyne to wall carpeting may be anoption, and more lavish plants, and paintings. Instead of finding your own seat,a host will lead you to the section you prefer. The seating in some cases wouldbe moveable for more comfort. In most, the seating is either plush cloth, ormostly padded vinyl, for comfort. Silverware would already exist on the tabulariseDining Establishments And Eating essays research papers Dining Establishments and EatingThere are many factors that may change your decision on choosing a placeto dine. Some people dine out almost every night, and some people may dine outonly once every month or so. People treat eating out differently than others.It all depends on the type of the mood, or the time the individual may have.There are many types of eating establishments that cater to the different typesof occasions, from the mo re elite, to the brief luncheon, and to the fast outing.For some people eating out is to be done in haste. For that type ofpeople eating out is simple, done to avoid the time of preparation, and cleaningup a meal. Fast food is a quick, easy way to eat on the run, with a no frillsatmosphere. These people are on the run with things that they mustaccomplish in a limited amount of time. Some fast food restaurants may includeBurger King, McDonalds, Subway, or Kentucky Fried Chicken. Fast food would bean easy solution to the problem of the time factor. Fast food can easily berecognized when you enter the parking lot. For fast food the parking lot ismore accessible to people(less landscaping), more entrances and exit doors(formore saved time). Once entering the building one can distinguish a fast foodrestaurant, by the high traffic tile floors, plastic bench seating that doesnot move for comfort, and the poor taste of interior design with small amountsof decoration. These buildings were me ant for eating quickly, and then leaving,visual impact is not a major concern. There will be no waiters to take yourorder. A line to the cash register is the only way to get your food, unless thedecision of the drive up window is made. Food is often times pre-prepared tosave time.Casual dining has more enjoyable food, and a more refreshed environment,with only a little more time involved. Some casual dining may include TGIFFridays, Dennys, or Eat and Park. Parking is a little further back, and morelandscaping may be involved to have a grander appearance. When you enterthrough the only main entrance and exit door, wall to wall carpeting may be anoption, and more lavish plants, and paintings. Instead of finding your own seat,a host will lead you to the section you prefer. The seating in some cases wouldbe moveable for more comfort. In most, the seating is either plush cloth, ormostly padded vinyl, for comfort. Silverware would already exist on the table
Monday, May 27, 2019
Reflecting on Developing Teaching Practice Essay
The word reflection has been used consistently throughout our first staff and has been seen to be prerequisite of good instruction and development. Reflecting itself has been a very useful practice. Taking the time to observe and analyse, whilst using a detailed checklist has also enabled us to use this make for correctly. I fuddle found that there are patterns within my reflective log and an awareness of what is assumeed to change in m unitarytary value of improvement in my teaching practice and how I implement that in a classroom. Phil Race (2014, p228), describes reflection as having the intention to improve by conclusion out what is going on in an element of learning. By considering what elements of learning I need to address through my ILP I discharge now dramatise feedback and apply improvements for forthcoming teaching. Observing has also attend toed my reflection Donald Schn (1987 p121), talks of imitation through observation. He links the ideology of education to thinking for ones self and the draws upon the term Copycat as a negative expression.However, he goes on to say Reflective imitation demands, on the contrary, a willingness to do as the studio master is doing and, at the same time reflect on what one does. Therefore, by observing and imitating we take on the role of our learn/teacher and at the same time our reflective practice allows us the freedom to explore our give avenues of teaching and the ability to adapt, improve and develop what doesnt work for us and, what we believe we could do better. Although I appreciate Schns models of reflection, I realise found I have not only had enough experience to draw from to reflect in action but I can yet use that method where applicable and in future practice. Im fond of (Gibbs, 1988) methods picture below.Gibb allows for a description of what happened, an analysis and evaluation of my experiences. This not only helps me make sense of my experiences but also helps me to prove my own t eaching practice. Gibbs is very similar to Schns model of reflection but seeks a little much from the reflective practitioner. Like Schn, it is astir(predicate) reflection in action but aligns further with reflection on action. Gibbs model considers taking action and using what you have learned and applying it to practice in the shape of an action plan so if the same situation were to arise again I would have thecapacity to reflect in action. Personally my own areas of development have been in confidence and time management. By using Gibbs model of reflection I have been able to analyse where I am going wrong. I recognize the value of what I am doing and actively reflect twain descriptively and emotionally. As (Brunner, 1994) states the fusion of the intellectual and the emotional moldiness be present or there cannot be a true reflective practice.For example, in my own practice I have sometimes time-tested to cover in like manner much ground in a lesson, that has make me worry about the time frame, in turn this has affected my confidence. By analysing both what happened, what I am feeling and then evaluating this, I am able to make sense of the situation and formulate an action plan. I can mortify the amount in my lesson plan but have an activity if the lesson finishes early. If it doesnt it can be given for homework. This helps me in practical terms, but in attachment will help me with any confidence and anxiety I may have regarding the time management. Reflective thinking involves a state of doubt, hesitation, perplexity, mental obstructionReflective persons weigh, ponder, and deliberate a process of evaluating what occurs to them in order to decide upon its force and weight for their problem. (Dewey, J, 1997) p9Gibb echoes Dewey above in How we think and uses the same ideologies of praxis and then draws upon the applications programme of this to the Pedagogy. I will say I have had difficulty selecting the right method for my reflective practice and have employed parts from all models. Steven Brookfields (1995) Four Lens Theory uses a unlike model of reflection that encourages an individual to look at the situation from different viewpoints in order to go on pedagogical rectitude. This is a process that never stops (as are all forms of reflection), and it seems to be the one that works best for me at the present time, as it fits utterly within the trainee teacher milieu.The first of the four lenses Self would be the foundation of my critical reflection. Perhaps looking at my own experiences as a assimilator/teacher and the period in between now and qualifying and beyond that. Taking into account the paradigmatic assumptions and instinctive reasonings that frame how we work. (Brookfield.S, 1995) p30. This moves into the area of the Students eyes and my Peers. I can do this by observing and being observed aswell as the process of feedback and self-evaluation, (from both my peers and students). This will help me to reveal asp ects of the pedagogy that I am strong with and reveal areas of weakness. I can then apply the Scholarship lens, which is something I am currently on the job(p) on as a trainee. By looking into theoretical literature, I can expand the Epistemology of my subject specialism, the discourse and discursive practice in growth to the pedagogy and learn to put my assumptions and reasonings to one side.I am then able to approach reflection openly and un-defensively. Geoff Petty (2010) explains, if we prop our problems to something that is out of our control, we are defensive and will not feel the need to change our own practices. However, we should not blame ourselves. Instead we should think about how the lesson could have been made to go well and apply these principles to make sure it doesnt happen again. Something that I have found hard is planning my lessons as this has proved to be rather time consuming. Film, Photography and Media Studies all include a broad range of skills for the learner to ascertain. In addition to creative and theoretical introduce on my behalf I have to also think about the particular technical skills regarding technology that need to be addressed. Once this has been decided, I still need to know where to start and how to simplify the subject as well as the introduction to technology and software.This is to make sure the students at the level I am teaching can understand it. As Muffoletto (2001, p296) suggests educators need to be reflective, that is self-aware, engaged, and not passive in their relation to the discourse and practices relating to technology. I know from experience in the classroom that I have to critically reflect on the idea of technology and software in order to keep up with the students that live in the ever-changing world. Just recently I was told I would be giving a class on final examination Cut Pro X, an upgrade from the Final Cut Pro 7 that I had previously been familiar with. From previous lessons I have come t o accept that some students may know much than I do about this software package, when I first went into the classroom I was very nervous about the students asking me questions and how I would arrest the exercise for them as well as how I would deliver the lesson. At lunchtime I spoke to the teacher who teaches the class next door. He told me he similarly was not up to date, that it takes time to learn the new packages. Use the students he said, they probably know more than us.His comment made mefeel at ease, as when a question was asked about the software that I was unsure of I asked the class. Does anyone know how to do this? There was perpetually one who put up there hand and volunteered and when a question that no one could answer regarding transitions popped up, I gave the student something else to do, whilst I quickly browsed a 2 minute tutorial on Youtube and gave them the help they needed with my findings. (Reflecting In Action) This may not have been the best idea, but on reflection I would probably still do the same. For me to ask the other teacher to explain would have taken almost the same amount of time if not more, (not to source the focus being taken from his own class) and to make the student wait until the next lesson would be unnecessary, slowing stilt the progress of work. However, in hindsight I can Reflect On Action because looking back I should have explained the transition method to the rest of group, but I have made timbre of it now for my editing class. Delivering learning was one of my areas for development in regards to confidence and projection of my voice I know from feedback that I sometimes focus the lesson too much on my own person and my delivery of the subject.As a new teacher I am very aware of the focus on me and it affects my confidence greatly. I found this especially hard for my micro teach in front of my peers and find I am very nervous in this milieu, one its because I know they are observing me as a teacher, r ather than following tasks as a student might and both they have a higher level of education, which makes me feel a little insecure. Reflecting on this has helped me look at it from their viewpoint and understand that we are all in a similar situation and all feel the same pressure. Taking the saying a problem shared is a problem halved is true, given the benefit of hindsight I can look back and know that we were all nervous, so when it comes to a similar situation, (such as me knowing less than some of my students about a new software package) I can look at it from the perspective of Brookfield and not be afraid to seek answers from students and peers. In addition to this I have researched different methods of planning my lessons after receiving feedback suggesting I focus the attention on the class itself, instead of myself.I have looked into the perfect Ofsted Lesson In Moving slope Forward, where we are told to simplify lesson plans and concentrate on significant learning ob jectives. At the beginning of a lesson we are encouraged as educators to give the class astarter activity to stimulate curiosity and prepare the brain for learning. This is something that would take the focus from myself until I make up my confidence. It also seems a good way to incite learners and get them engaged with the subject before moving on to the more in depth, main body of a lesson. I have found a lack of motive to be very prominent feature in the BTEC Media classes. The self-regulatory approach to the BTEC means that students have a coursework deadline to work to, for which they have a bend of components to hand in. It is all too easy to give the student the work and hope that they complete it.I have found a lack of motivation in the BTEC Media classes and have found it hard to get students workings towards handing in components of their work. In the lesson I try to give them positive feedback when they are doing well and lead them with areas of development. As a r esult they work hard to meet targets assign for them. But giving them positive feedback in the classroom is not enough. It is one of the negatives of skinners behaviourists supposition. Since most of their practical work takes place in their own time, when they are out of the classroom in their own environment there is no positive reinforcement and so it doesnt work. The same could be said for Photography. As when it comes to creating their own photographic projects, motivation is affected by Judgement of their own abilities to complete a specific task (Bandura,2003). The students self-efficacy is sometimes poor, which restrains a learners progress. I ask myself How do I motivate a learner outside of the classroom?What can I do to make them want to engage with their chosen subject beyond the space of the classroom? How do I impart the necessary time management skills and contingency planning that is needed for their coursework? The answer is I am still learning and reflecting on this, through theoretical research and observing other teachers work. There are very few video productions or photo-shoots that go seemingly without any problems and students have encountered problems out of their control such as the weather or lighting. The students with high self-efficacy will work harder and be more persistent when trying to overcome obstacles. It is when motivating the students with lower self-efficacy when it becomes hard for me, as I do not yet have the experience.For this I have again taken the Brookfieldsapproach and asked my peers how they do it. I have learned that they use strategies and dont leave the skills of self-regulation up to the learner to nail for themselves. They find the student often struggles with regulating their own study and motivating themselves to study. They rely on the facilitation of metacognition by setting tasks within the learning material and assignments to hand in, so that the coursework is broken down into compartments of the learning material. By having clear aims of what is needed from them in a lesson and deadlines within the coursework deadline as a whole, they can assess learning and build the students skills, such as scheduling, budgeting, trouble-shooting, contingency planning where needed (weather problems etc) which also falls in with time management. Zimmerman (2011), suggest there are three successive phases pictured below.With vocational or self-regulated projects the students usually learn whilst doing a task. The cyclic phase is a continuous circle of self-monitoring, a lot like the lenses of reflection. To meet set targets the student needs to continually self-observe, self-evaluate and continually assess their aims to make sure they are achievable and if they are not, reflecting on that and finding ways to trouble-shoot where necessary. In addition the use of SMART targets can be applied so that they can be met for motivational purposes. These can be done in the lesson so they can learn f rom each other (imitation) to promote a positive reciprocal determinism (Bandura,2003). It was a teacher that also suggested the Cyclic phase to me and explained that sometimes a lack of work does not mean the student is de-motivated, but instead they may be overwhelmed and does not know where to start.By helping them break down course work and compartmentalising it for the first year of a BTEC and supervising it yourself, you give them the necessary skills to do the same in their second year without supervision, thus create towards a high self-efficacy and motivation. With the support of the media studies teacher I have been able to observe how clear aims can be set out using a tick sheet. The more aims a student meets the more ticks they have next to their name on the projection monitor. This has helped when reinforcing targets within the lesson. After giving positive feedback a new list of aims are set and we can reach those who have fewer ticks to find what we can do to facilit ate them. On a small note In addition to classroom motivation Ihave tagged along to a few trips to film festivals and Q&As, the students are always buzzing after speaking to people within the industry and learning how they got to where they are, they realise that the goals are achievable if they want to work hard enough to grasp them.It is something to think about in the future when planning my own trips with students. In the first module of my teaching practice I have learned a lot about myself as a teacher by applying the reflective process. During our personal lives we reflect on how we handle certain situations so that negative pile are not buy uped and apart from in the medical occupation we dont seem to do this in a professional working capacity, instead of taking a step back and thinking how did this happen? How can I make sure it doesnt again? We tend to repeat the same or similar mistakes. Overall the self-reflection process has been an eye opener, I did start off a litt le sceptical on just how important it was to be reflective but I have to say I did start off not knowing how to be effectual in my refection process and how valuable that is before making judgements about my teaching capabilities.I found that by using Brookfields model of reflection and observing my practice from different perspectives, I can now look at my teaching objectively I have found that the constructive feedback for my micro teaches and the feedback I have certain from teachers in the classroom have really helped and informed my reflection for an action plan to improve my teaching methods. Whilst I am happy with some elements of my teaching such as the visual aspects and my use of scaffolding, I had been unaware that I wasnt projecting my voice and that my body placement was sometimes bad. Being made aware of these factors by observers highlighting them, is invaluable and will aid me when I come to do presentations and lesson planning, as I can incorporate this into my pra ctice.As I have previously stated, I have problems with my confidence and so with that in mind I aim to focus my lessons on the class, especially at the beginning of a lesson. In doing this I will be able to gage the students and if I feel comfortable bringing the focus back to myself, I can. I aim to do this gradually until I have enough confidence not only in myself but also my ability to lead a class. In regards to Motivation in the vocational BTEC Media and project led assessments that might crop up in Photography and film, I aim to use Zimmermans model and methods that other teachers implement in their classrooms.This is a learning process for me,which I will reflect upon to make the necessary progress needed, but applying theory to my practice should only help it whilst Im learning the ropes. (Plato and Aristotle, 2005) both defined good as performing to the best of your ability and that being righteous and reflective were stages of ethical development to reach a Socratic int ellectualism which is One will do what is right or best just as before long as one truly understands what is right or best (Socrates,2011) and to understand we must keep reflecting, as the situation is ever changing.BIBLIOGRAPHYARISTOTLE (2005), The Art of Rhetoric, trans. Hugh Lawson-Tancred London Penguin classics EFKLIDES, A (2011),Interactions of Metacognition With Motivation and Affect in Self-Regulated Learning The MASRL Model. The American Psychological association Routledge Taylor & Francis Group procurable online at http// Accessed 12th November 2014BANDURA, A (2003), Banduras social cognitive theory an introduction, Davidson Films DVD (Available from IOE Library) BROOKFIELD, S (1995), Becoming a critically reflective teacher, San Francisco Jossey Bass Publishers BRUNNER, D. (1987), Inquiry and Reflection, Framing Narrative Practice in education, Albany fix University of New York Press DEWEY, J (1997), Ho w we think, Republication of original works 1910. USA Dover Publications, Inc GIBBS (1988), Model of reflectionAvailable online at http// Accessed 12th November 2014 MUFFOLETTO, R (2001), reproduction and Technology, Critical and Reflective Practices, USA Hampton Press Inc. OFSTED Moving English Forward Available online at Accessed 12th November2014 PETTY, G. (2010), A Practical guide, 4th Ed. Cheltenham Nelson Thornes LTD RACE, P (2014), Making Learning Happen, a guide to Post-Compulsory education, London Sage Publications LTD Schn, D. (1987), The Reflective Practitioner, Towards a New Design for Teaching and Learning in the professions, San Francisco Jossey-Bass Publishers SOCRATES (2011)Socratic intellectualism.Available online at http// Accessed 16th November 2014 ZIMMERMAN, B. (2011), SC IENCE WATCH Zimmerman discusses self-regulated learning process, Emerging research fronts commentary Available online at http// Accessed 14th November 2014
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Early Puritan and Pilgrim Literature Essay
The puritans and the Pilgrims both migrated to North America to escape religious persecution due to their views about the church of England. They created very little literature because writing was viewed as satanic in both cultures. All that was written in Puritan New England were full treatment to animate perfection and record journeys for historical purposes. The most famous poets of this period include Anne Bradstreet and Edward Taylor. William Bradford, the g overnor of the Plymouth Colony, kept a journal of the events that took place on the journey over on the Mayflower and life within the colony. Jonathan Edwards, a minister during the Great Awakening wrote the sermon Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God. These authors illustrated the following religious beliefs in their works natural rot, irresistible grace, and unconditional election.Puritans believed that all men sinned and that all men were of an evil nature. Ministers instructed them to search their souls for sins an d ask God for forgiveness. In the 1730s and 1740s the Puritan religion began to lose followers. Several ministers went to extreme measures to get their followers to adhere to the teaching in the Bible more sternly. There are in the souls of wicked men those hellish principles reigning, that would presently kindle and flame out into hell fire, if it were not for Gods restraints.(101). The prior excerpt demonstrates the natural depravity of men. Puritans were instructed to frequently search through their souls for instances of which they had done evil doings. The act of constant soul searching wore many puritans down and caused them to convert to a different religious belief while others were driven in to a psychotic state. Edwards also stated that Your wickedness makes you as it were heavy as lead and to tend downwards with gigantic weight and pressure towards Hell(103).The passage refers to the wickedness of men. Hearing every Sunday that you possess natural wickedness which drags you down towards hell is one of the reasons the Puritan faith became unpopular and eventually died out. In his sermon, he also stated So that thus it is, that natural men are held in the hand of God over the pit of Hell they have deserved the fiery pit, and are already sentenced to it(103). Edwards and other preachers of the Great Awakening depict God as an aggravated and cruel man and end up losing many followers of the Puritan faith in the end as members of the faith viewed God as recollect and inhumane andthey felt he was inaccessible to them.Another Puritan belief that was prominently displayed in their literature was unconditional election. Unconditional election states that God decides whether a man will go to heaven or hell in the first place he or she is even born. The poet, Anne Bradstreet illustrates the theme in her poem Upon the Burning of Our offer And, when I could no longer look,/ I blest His name that gave and took,/ That laid my goods no in the dust/ Yea so it was, and so twas just./ It was his own it was not mine/ Far be it that I should repine.(53).This example states that even though her house and earthly possessions are ruined she can take comfort in the fact that the Lord has a house waiting for her in heaven. In another(prenominal) one of her poems, To My Dear and Loving Husband, Anne represents the same theme Thy sack out is such I can no way repay/ The heavens reward thee manifold, I pray./ Then while we live, in love lets so persever,/ That when we live no more we may live ever. (51). Edward Taylor, another poet of the colonial era, writespoem in the mindset of being one of the unconditionally elect. He states in the poem Huswifery Then cloath therewith mine Understanding, Will,/ Affections, Judgment, Conscience, Memory/ My Words, and Actions, that their shine may fill/ My wayes with glory and thee glorify./ Then mine apparel shall display before yee./ (70). Taylor proclaims he is asking God to clothe him in knowledge of the nex t life and that he believes he is of the unconditionally elect for asking for this understanding.Yet another reoccurring theme in the writings of the puritans was irresistible grace. Irresistible grace states men survive by the grace of God. William Bradford uses this theme many times in his compute of the Pilgrims journey to the new world titled Of Plymouth Plantation. Bradford wrote, But herewith they broke their mast in three pieces and their sail cast off overboard in a bery bad sea, so as they had like to have been cast away. Yet by Gods mercy they recovered themselves, and having the flood with them struck into the harbor.(34). He indicates that the Pilgrims were at the mercy of God and by his grace they found the harbor and survived. Bradford later refers to an instance when some Pilgrims were exploring thearea around a possible camp site. Men, Indians Indians And withal, their arrows came prompt amongst them.Their men ran with all speed to recover their arms, as by the g ood providence of God they did. (33). Here Bradford glorifies God for allowing the Pilgrims to get to their weapons before them all fell victims to the arrows of the Indians. Bradford greatens the name of God once more in the account of John Howland. as they thus lay in a mighty storm, a square young man called John Howland, coming upon some occasion above the gratings was, with a seele of the ship, was thrown into sea but it pleased God he caught tick off of the topsail halyards (28). Unlike the man who feel overboard and drowned, for taunting the sick and poor, John Howland had the graces of God extended to him and was rescued from the stormy waters.Throughout the Colonial Age Puritans and Pilgrims stress three major themes in their literature. They wrote of irresistible grace, the natural depravity existing in all of man kind, and predestination for those among the unconditionally elect. Three writers of the period, Bradstreet, Taylor, and Bradford, use their works to glorify God and announce themselves among the unconditionally elect. The fourth, Jonathan Edwards wrote a sermon in an attempt to scare followers in to the more strict puritans ways of historic in an attempt to save the religion.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Essay on That Eye, the Sky Essay
The Novel That Eye, The Sky written by the Australian novelist Tim Winton is a novel about a little boy named Ort who has a big heart that prevails his family against hell itself. The story is about generosity, insight and originality. This novel challenges the readers on whether families are really worth the thrust or non? The answer to this question changes with each individuals opinion. Families are uniquely important to every day clock life, everybody depends on their families differently and have their profess ways of showing their love and bearing for each other.Alice, the mother of Ort, has always had that motherly love towards her family even when under extreme stress she still holds her family together. Alice shows throughout the novel that families are worth the effort, even when her children dont show her respect. I hate your guts, youre weak in the head, pathetic. Youre a hick, a burnt-out hippie from the olden days. And now youre born-again, bashing the bible and H oly Jesus. I think youre crap. Says Tegwyn. mum stands up, grabs her, her arms go around her disfranchised so you can hear the air coming out of Tegwyn.Mums hands lock want theyll need bolt-cutters to undo. I love you, Mum says. I love you. Love you. Love you. And thusly Tegwyn is bawling and all saggy and smaller-looking, and they stay like that for a long time. (pg 104) Alice tries to save her family from slowly disintegrating. By doing this, she tries to keep as much normality as possible within the Flack family. Today, people, were all going on an outing. Its Christmas day, day of rest and rejoicing, day of contemplation- not too exhaustive and day of thanking the Lord for what is. Where to kids?Says Alice(pg 105) All through the novel Alice proves to be the strongest character, even though she has her weak moments at times. I public opinion dad was going to be alright, Ort murmurs. He will be, Alice whispers, snuffling. Some snot shines on her lips and her eyes are ang ry with tears. He will be, Ort. I wint let him not be. (pg 50) She always has hope and believes that everything would be okay, and that surface-to-air missile would heal over time with their familys support and strength. No. Healing is what you do for someone else. Survival is for yourself.You can eat people if you want to survive insalubrious enough. Or you can die if you want to heal someone bad enough. (pg 138) Ort is a twelve year old boy, who died twice due to suffering from meningitis when he was a baby. He was in a coma for two weeks and since then he has been a little slow and different to the others his age. I was dead. Twice. Two times my head stopped and my brain stopped. You had meningitis. Your head was all full of water. You screamed like you were on fire. And then you went asleep and didnt wake up for two weeks. (pg 12) As Ort tackles his own life obstacles, everything ends up becoming the worst after Sam Orts dad becomes paralysed from a car accident.After this, the Flack family go down hill quickly from their usual life style flipping to a extreme different side. This is when Ort shows his true commitment towards his family and gives them the love, support and strength they need. Even though he is just a twelve year old boy and it takes him a while to understand, he finally proves himself and he starts to protect them. Ya sisters a slut, ya old mans a vegetable, and ya mums a pisstank. says Fat. And thats it. Yer a fat poking I yell at him. I hate yer big flubbery guts and yer pig face and yer crybaby old man who thinks hes so funny and yer scrawny plucked-chook-piece-of-poop old lady. I hate yez (pg 39) Tegwyn, is Orts older sister who is a dark teenager that is negative on everything at this portray of her life. In the novel she doesnt have any interest in making an effort to help her family. Since the very beginning of the novel she has hated vitality out of the city and being stuck in the country with her family that she hates. D ont you like us? Ort asks.Tegwyn spits a bit of fat onto her plate. I hate it here. thusly mum starts crying, hands over here face, elbows on the table, and Tegwyn goes into her room and I just sit there feeling useless. (pg 50) Tegwyn does not think family is worth the time or effort and by the end she shows no consideration or respect towards her family. I open Tegwyns door. The bed is empty. Even the blankets and sheets are gone. I open the cupboard. Empty. I go into the lounge room and see all of Henry Warburtons stuff gone. Me heart is smashing around. The car is gone. Big slipperiness marks all over the drive. (pg 149)Family is very important to me. Looking back at the life challenges and changes my family and I have been through over the years from untoward deaths, to family members moving away and to sudden life risking injuries, and to see how we have overcome everything proves that families help each other out in the difficult times. If you love and care for each ot her enough, it will provide strength and a blanket of security. I think the most important thing is to have humour and to not take life too seriously at times. This is one of the things I found common with the Flack family and with my own.Ort using his imagination and strange opinions, definitely jump the humour the novel needs and also humour people need in everyday life. The quotes he says I find entertaining. Youre a unparalleled sort. Henry laughs. You are one in a million, boy. How did they make you? Henry asks. In the bedroomsexual intercourse in the nude. Ort says. (pg 137) Families play a semiprecious role in our lives and are definitely worth every effort. No matter how difficult life gets, you seem to always find your way in the end. If you stay positive and share humour between each other, the bad soon ends.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Burger King Corporate Social Responsibility
Assignment Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) refers the ethical dogma that a person or an organization should be accountable for how Its acts might affect the physical environment and the general public dobber, D. & Fahy, J. , 2009). Nowadays, CSR create by mental act Is a orbicular trend, which Is encouraged by the government. It also helps the company in partnership and investment opportunities. On the other hand, CSR programme can enhance the companys Image In the consumers views. It would be very effective In a competitive market.And furthermore, CSR programme can Improve he productivity and reduce the producing cost for the company. For these reasons, all kinds of business expect began to focus on their CSR programme as responding to the sociality concerns In various ways. Burger King corporation (BKC) Is a global chain of hamburger fast food restaurants. 3K Is founded In 1954 by James McLamore and David Edgerton. In the end of 2012, It has a total of 12,700 outlets In 7 3 countnes. Recently, BKC has lust arnved to Vietnam. BKC Is located In Hanoi, Da Nang, and Ho Chi Minh City.However, BKC does non seem to provide a good marketing campaign here. BKC has installed several CSR programmes in other countries but not in Vietnam yet. To implement a CSR programme is a way ot marketing it to Vietnamese society. The problem in Vietnam market is Vietnamese people are not used to tast food due to refining differences. They also care a lot about their looks, their healthy, especially obesity problem. People in ages of 16-35 are the main customer target of BKC, However, the rate of obesity of people in these ages is increasing rapidly.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Employment Law Midterm
Employment Law Midterm 1. DePeters, Co. is sued for sex discrimination on the grounds that too few women are hired be take fewer women than men achieve discharge scores on a required manual discretion and physical say-so test. DePeters, Co. offers in its defense that even though fewer women score high enough on the test, a greater lot of the passing women are hired. The company maintains that, as a result, the percentage of women in the workforce mirrors the percentage of available women in the labor pool. A group of women who took the test and failed appoint suit.Explain the basis for the cause of action, and analyze the merits of the cause of action, employer defenses, and likely outcome. Support your response with applicable law. (Chapter 6) The women would file suit, alleging a violation of denomination septette of the Civil Rights encounter of 1964, alleging that the test has a different jar upon women. Even though a greater percentage of the passing women are hired, t he employers process of arriving at the bottom-line figures should be scrutinized for disparate impact. This situation is similar to the case ofConnecticut v.Teal, 457 U. S. 440(1982), in which the Supreme Court held that the bottom-line result does not preclude employees from establishing a prima facie case, nor does it provide the employer with a defense. Although the percentage of the women in the workforce mirrors the percentage of available women in the labor pool, the test still results in fewer women passing it than men. Therefore, the test has a disparate impact upon women. The employers defense to this suit would be that passing the test is a bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ).DePeters would argue that the job required manual dexterity and physical strength similar to that which is tested. If they were able to show that passing the test was reasonably necessary to their particular business, they may adjudge a valid defense against the claim. The burden of consequ ence would be on DePeters to show the similarity between the positions and the test, and that the dexterity and strength were bona fide occupational qualifications. If they were unable to meet that burden, the women would likely be successful in their claim. 2. Shaun, a woman of Hispanic origin, waits tables at Mongomeys Restaurant.Phil, an African-American local businessman who frequently brings clients to Mongomeys for lunch, dislikes Hispanics. As a result, he lies to the owner of the restaurant and tells the owner that Shaun referred to him by an wretched racial epithet. Once this complaint is brought to Shauns attention,she is demoted from waitress to dishwasher. Shaun filed a Title VII claim against Phil, even though Shaun works for Mongomeys, not for Phil. Analyze the basis for the cause of action, the company exposure, steps that could have been taken by the company to reduce exposure, the outcome, and support for the outcome.Utilize applicable law in your analysis. Title V II is applied to employer-employee family relationships. If a customer made it a hostile environment, then the employer would be liable towards the employee, but in this instance, the employee has sued the customer. Phil is a customer, not an owner or operator of Shauns establishment. Title VII commonwealths that (a) It shall be unlawful employment practice for an employer Here, we have to stop. Phil is not an employer of Shaun and cannot be held accountable under Title VII since this encompasses employment, not general discrimination.Shaun would exact to investigate local state laws and ordinances to see what action she could take against Phil. Most likely, she has a slander charge against Phil rather than any kind of Title VII ruling. Though Phil brings clients to this restaurant frequently, this by no means makes him an employer of Shaun. That would make an unreasonable burden on everyone who encounters a waiter or waitress since the customers could now be considered that per sons employer. Phil does not pay employment taxes for Shaun nor places her on his payroll, and any tips he has left have been for her services and do not constitute any kind of salary.Also, Phils means may contain less than 15 employees and not even under the realm of Title VII. No, Shaun needs to chase her employer, not Phil, the customer. Again, Shaun should investigate local ordinances and state laws to see what is out there to use against Phil. 3. Pugh worked for Sees Candies, Inc. for 32 years. He had started out as a dishwasher, worked his way up to vice president of production, and was also on the Board of Directors. When he was hired, he was told by the president and general manager, If you are loyal and do a computable job, your upcoming is secure. The president had a form _or_ system of government of completely terminating employees for good cause, and that policy was continued by his successor. During the entire period of Pughs employment, his performance had never b een formally evaluated or criticized, andhe was never denied a come along or bonus. After the company had set sales records for the Christmas and Valentines Day seasons, Pugh was called into the presidents office and told that he was fired. He was not given a reason for his discharge, but he suspects that he was fired because he objected to thesweetheartrelationship that the company had with the union representing its workers.Does Pugh have a cause of action for wrongful discharge? If so, what could the company have done to minimize exposure? The court held that Pugh had stated a cause of action for wrongful discharge under an implied contract. The presidents statement and the policy of discharging only for good cause created a contract offer that he accepted by continuing his employment with Sees. One of the exceptions to at-will-employment is an implied agreement of good faith and fair dealing. This covenant is an implied contractual obligation to act in good faith in the fulfil lment of each partys contractual duties.Under this exception, both employer and employee enter into a contractual relationship in which the particulars of why and when an employee can be terminatedare not specifically addressed in the agreement. When Pugh was hired, he was told that if he does a good job, his future is secure. Pugh could argue that he understood this statement as a promise by the company to continue employing him as long as he remained a good performer. The next factor to consider is the companys policy for termination. The company appears to have a very specific and well understood policythat states that it will only terminate employees for good cause.Although this policy may not be in writing in an employee handbook, Pugh could argue that this policy is implied and relates to all employment relationships, including his own. Given these facts, it appears that Pugh could boot out that his termination was not in compliance with the companys policy for terminations. Since the company would not give him a reason for his discharge, this further proves that he most likely was not terminated for good cause. Also, since Pughs performance had never been evaluated or criticized in 32 years, it does not appear that thecompany could prove that he was terminated due to sad performance.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
4. Discussion and Analysis About the Link Between Business Intelligence and Web Analytics for Argos
COURSEWORK BRIEF This coursework is worth 60% of the total module mark available for this module. This is an individual piece of work. You have been asked to review and propose a course of action for a large online retailer (www. argos. co. uk) as an independent web analytics consultant. Your review should include an overview of the position, stating where and what web analytics techniques and tools you could use. Indicating the rationale for this and how it could be used to understand visitors behaviour, clickstream, and how to improve the websites success, per figureance and business decision making.You should also include in your overview, a discussion about how Argoss business intelligence can be linked to its web analytics data, providing a case for this based on academic theory. This coursework should take the form of a REPORT and should be no longer than 2500 words, excluding executive summary, tables, diagrams and references. It is expected that you provide academic suppor t for your proposed solutions, discussions analysis and recommendations. MARKING CRITERIA The marking criteria are the things that tag will be awarded against.They should not be seen as the structure of the report nor expected headings of your report. Executive summary introduction 10% Analysis of the ARGOS Web site 20% Discussion and analysis about the link between business intelligence and Web analytics for ARGOS 20% Making recommendations/suggestions for the appropriate use of Web analytics tools in order to understand the visitors behaviour, improve the Web site usage and business performance 30% Conclusions 10% Choice of references properly cited within the work 10%
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Max Weber’s Bureaucracy Essay
Good afternoon ladies and gentleman. This afternoon I would like to talk a little about Max webers Bureaucracy. But first, let me tell you an article I read in the newspaper issued a couple of months ago. On January 21, 2013, Orlan Calayag was sworn in as the new National nutrient Authority administrator after Angelito Banayo resigned from his seat because of being acc utilise of corruption and rice smuggling. Anyway, lets get cover charge to the point. Calayag is a dual citizen caregiver who used to reside in America.When PNoy appointed Calayag as the new administrator of the department, the most common reaction was Who? According to Food authoritys Charter, or Presidential Decree 6, all administrators and deputy administrators of the agency shall be natural-born citizens of the Philippines, not less than 35 years of age, with proven honestness and integrity and of recognized managerial competence. And even though Republic Act 9225 exists, a person who assumes any government po sition should renounce his foreign citizenship first.This brought a lot of questions and objections. Calayag never became a government official until this January, never renounced his dual citizenship or does his previous work experience indicate recognized managerial competence. This scenario leads us to the so called KKK which brings us to Max Webers idea of Bureaucracy. I would like to emphasize three characteristics of bureaucracy. First, Division of labor and work specialization is used to align employees with their tasks.With this said, Calayag and President Aquino defies the work specialization point because Calayag doesnt specialize anything that may be related to the tasks and works of an NFA administrator. Next would be Webers, Managers should support an impersonal relationship with employees to promote fair and equal treatment of all employees so that unbiased decisions can be made. How could this actually exist or make pass between PNoy and Calayag when in the first p lace, PNoy appointed Calayag because he is his friend?And finally, competence, not personality, is the basis for job appointment. Calayag finished a degree in Business political science major in Business Marketing and his CV states that indeed he was a Patient Services Specialist or a caregiver. There is withal the fact that Calayag cant seem to find a permanent job hopping from one job to another ending up connected to 6 different companies in a span of 8 years. So in the end, my dear listeners, this becomes another case of kabarkada appointment made by the President.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Matriarchal Cultures: the Native American Essay
There has long been debate among anthropologists about matriarchal societies. barely that is a historical result of last 500 years of European military expansion and elimination of indigen cultures. There are a few societies whose situation as matriarchies is disputed among anthropologists and this is as untold a debate about terminology as it is about interpreting how an other(a) society defines status and such, their self-understanding as opposed to our im ready of categories on them. Among anthropologists, thither are theories that support the plausibility of having prehistoric matriarchies.And if we account more(prenominal) at the complexity of societies, were liable to find that the answer to why a scourt arrange workforcet developed in particular cases and may vary from case to case. Conversely enough there are many more matrilineal and matrilocal societies. A lot of people tend to interchange the description of matrilocal and matrilineal with matriarchal. Matrilocal is when a husband who marries a woman must move to her community/village. Matrilineal is a descent arranging based on unilineal descent that gives the buzz offs family certain terms of relationship than the fathers family. Matriarchal is when wo custody have control of a community.Matrilocal and matrilineal societies do not compressed that the women hold more power than the men. Inheritance and lineage does not equal power. Whereas, matrifocal is the gravitating toward or centering on the mother. indispensable Americans were healthy known to have a matriarchal system. Most proto(prenominal) societies were organized around matrilineal lines. Women were the center of society, before agriculture, women gener whollyy raised children, cooked, gathered fruits, vegetables, etc. custody hunted. In this situation, women were the first scientists. They learned how to cultivate plants, and domesticate animals. They learned methods of fare preservation.They learned how to build offe nd houses. Women were the ones responsible for the development of civilization. There were a lot of societies that were two matriarchal and patriarchal before Christianity took over. well-nigh indigenous tribes were accepting of androgyny and women taking on mens roles before Christianity came into play. Most inbred American tribes had traditional gender roles. In slightly tribes, such as the Iroquois nation, social and clan relationships were matrilineal and or matriarchal, although several incompatible systems were in use. One example is the Cherokee custom of wives owning the family property.Men hunted, traded and do war, dapple women cared for the young and the elderly, fashioned garment and instruments and cured meat. The cradle board was used by mothers to carry their baby while working or traveling. However, in some, but not all tribes a kind of transgender was permitted. unconnected from making home, women had many tasks that were essential for the survival of the t ribes. They made weapons and tools, took care of the roofs of their homes and often helped their men hunt buffalos. In some of the Plains Indian tribes there reportedly were medicine women who gathered herbs and cured the ill.In some of these tribes girls were alike encouraged to learn to ride and fight. Though fighting was mostly left to the boys and men, there had been cases of women fighting on board them, especially when the existence of the tribe was threatened. There has been such a continual misconception as on the position of women among Native Americans. Because she was active, always busy in the camp, often carried heavy burdens, attended to the household duties, made the clothing and the home, and prepared the family food, the woman has been depicted as the slave of her husband, a patient beast of encumbrance whose labours were never done.The man, on the other hand, was said to be a loaf, whom all day long sat in the shade of the lodge and smoked his pipe, while his over worked wives attended to his comfort. In actuality, the woman was the mans partner, who preformed her appoint of the obligations of life and who employed an influence quite as important as his, and often more powerful. Native Americans established principal relationships either finished a clan system, descent from a common ancestor, or through a friendship system, much like tribal societies in other parts of the world.In the Choctaw nation, Moieties were subdivided into several nontotemic, exogamous, matrilineal kindred clans, called iksa (Faiman-Silva, 1997, p. 8). The Cheyenne tribe also traced their ancestry through the womans lineage, Moore (1996, p. 154). shows this when he says Such marriages, where the groom comes to live in the brides band, are called matrilocal. Leacock (1971, p. 21) reveals that prevailing opinion is that hunt societies would be patrilocal. Matrilineality, it is assumed, followed the emergence of agriculture. Leacock (p.21) then stated that she had f ound the Montagnais-Naskapi, a hunting society, had been matrilocal until Europeans stepped in.The Tanoan Pueblos kinship system is bilateral. The household either is of the nuclear type or is extended to include relatives of one or both parents. (Dozier, 1971, p. 237). The roles and statuses for men and women varied considerably among Native Americans, depending on each tribes cultural orientations. In matrilineal and matrilocal societies, women had considerable power because property, housing, land, and tools, belonged to them.Because property normally passed from mother to daughter, and the husband joined his wifes family, he was more of a stranger and yielded authority to his wifes eldest brother. As a result, the husband was unlikely to become an authoritative, domineering figure. According to Dozier (1971) Additionally, among such peoples as the Cherokee, Iroquois, and Pueblo, a disg overflowtled wife, safe in her possessions, could simply divorce her husband by tossing his belongings out of their residence. The Iroquois, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, Mohawk, Seneca are a matriarchal societies.In the Iroquois community, women were the keepers of culture. They were responsible for defining the political, social, spiritual and economic norms of the tribe. Iroquois society was matrilineal, meaning descent was traced through the mother rather than through the father. Also, when a couple marries, the man traditionally went to live with the wifes family. Womens role in tribal governance was often influential in matrilineal societies, as among the Iroquois, in which the principal civil and religious offices were kept within maternal lineages.The tribal matriarch or a group of tribal matrons nominated each delegate, briefed him before each session, monitored his legislative record, and removed him from office if his channel displeased the women. Although the leaders were men, it was the Clan Mothers who nominated and elected them, and could remove them from their position. The women made authentic the anthropoid leadership fulfilled their responsibilities. Iroquois women enjoyed social equality and respect. The Seneca Native Americans were a matriarchal egalitarian culture in that the shape of sur-naming as identifying to the individual was reversed.Women were considered the heads of households in which men married into and changed their last label from their mothers to their wives last names. And the children were given the names of the mothers family. Though men were considered the elders and chiefs of each household, during each conference of the families, the female heads of household sat behind the male spokesperson and advised each of them on manners concerning the tribe. In the Northeastern Woodlands and on the Plains, where hunting and war demanded strenuous activity away from home, the men often returned exhausted and required a few days to recover.Wearied by both these arduous actions and the religious fasting that usually accompanied them, the men relaxed in the village while the women went about their many tasks. Seeing only female busyness in these native encampments, White observers misinterpreted what they saw and wrote inaccurate stereotypical portrayals of lazy braves and industrious squaws. Such was not the case. In the south-east and Southwest, men and women performed their daily labors with observable equality because the men did not go out on intemperate expeditions as did the men in the Northeast and Plains.In California, the Great Basin, and Northwest Coast, the sexual division of labor fell somewhere between these two variations. Women had certain common tasks in each of the U. S. culture areas clean and maintaining the living quarters, tending to children, gathering edible plants, pounding corn into meal, extracting oil from acorns and nuts, cooking, sewing, packing, and unpacking. Certain crafts were also usually their responsibility brewing dyes, making pottery, and weaving such it ems as cloth, baskets, and mats. In the Southwest, however, men sometimes made baskets and pottery, and even weaved cloth.In regions where hunting provided the main food supply, the women were also responsible for house building, processing carcasses of game, preparing hides or furs, and whatever food gathering or farming that could be done. In the mostly agricultural societies in the Eastern Woodlands, the women primarily worked in the fields and the men built the frame houses and both shared duties for preparing hides or furs. Similarly, in the fishing communities of the Northwest, the men built the plank houses and helped with the processing of animal skins.In California and in the Great Basin, most aspects of labor, except the defined female tasks of weaving and basket and pottery making, were shared passably evenly. In the Southwest, the men did most of the field work, house building, weaving, cloth manufacturing, and animal skin processing. Female prestigiousness among the I roquois grew greater after the Revolutionary War, and male prestige ebbed due to continual losses and defeats and the inability to do much hunting due to scarcity of game.By the nineteenth century, mothers played a greater role in approving marriage partners for their children and more consistently got custody of their children in a divorce, unlike the perplexity of custody in earlier times. Among many Southeast tribes the women were influential in tribal councils and in some places they cast the deciding vote for war or peace. The Cherokee designated a female as Beloved cleaning woman, through whom they believed the Great Spirit spoke. Consequently, her words were always heard but not necessarily heeded.However, she headed the influential Womans Council, sat as a voting member of the Council of Chiefs, and exercised considerable influence. She also unhesitantly used her authoritative authority over prisoners. When she died, a successor would be chosen. Cherokee women were strong , hardworking, and very powerful within their community. The Cheyenne held women in particularly high regard. They played an influential role in determining warfare and sometimes even fought alongside the men.Upon a war partys successful return, the women danced about while waving the scalps, exhibited their mens shields and weapons, and derived honors from their husbands deeds. Property possession, inheritance, power, and influence rested on whether a tribes structure was in matrilineal or patrilineal. Although a few universal female-designated work tasks existed, like cleaning, nurturing, edible plant gathering, food preparation, cooking, packing, and unpacking, others varied by region, means of food production, and social organization.Such variances in gender roles further symbolise the diversity that existed among Native Americans. Summing it all up, a Matriarchy is a type of society, which is distinguished from all other types of societies by the absence of power structures an d institutionalized hierarchies. The means of production are commonly owned and circuit of rules prevent the accumulation of possessions or power. Compared to socialist or communist systems they are characterized by the absence of a centralized administration and ruling authority. Decisions concerning every area of life are made by consensus including all genders and generations.During my research of women-run societies, some fundamental differences from predominantly male-run societies become pretty clear, and quite obviously a different view than that of Western culture today. A much greater emphasis is placed on common participation than that of societies run by men, which tend to be more hegemonic. Children, case in point, belong to the all community rather than to a single family, I have always heard the saying it takes a village to raise a child I dont know the origins of that but it is well known in African-American culture.Also, for example land is shared instead of parti tioned off. What I ascertain from this, is that societies run by women stand to be more egalitarian, more nurturing, and perhaps more just. So going forwards in Western culture today the idea of a matriarchate has always fascinated people, men as well as women. In the midst of women starting to dominate the professional world more and men falling behind in education it would appear that were on a sure path to becoming a matriarchal or egalitarian society, it seems if that word makes more people light in this day and age.In my opinion and looking at the data, Women are gaining power as a gender and men are losing it. That alone is doubtful to bring about a complete matriarchy but it certainly will have matriarchal elements. Works Cited Bruhns, Karen Olsen, and Karen E. Stothert. 1999. Women in Ancient America. University of Oklahoma, Norman Dozier, E. P. , (1971). The American southwest. In Leacock, E. B. , & Lurie, N. O. (Eds. ), North american indians in historical perspective. Illinois Waveland Press, Inc. Faiman-Silva, S. (1997). Choctaws at the crossroads.Lincoln University of Nebraska Press. Gero, J. M. ja M. W. Conkey, editors. 1991. Engendering Archaeology Women and prehistory. Oxford sweet basil Blackwell. Leacock, E. B. (1971). Introduction. In Leacock, E. B. , & Lurie, N. O. (Eds. ), North american indians in historical perspective. Illinois Waveland Press, Inc. Lerner, Gerda. 1986. The creation of patriarchy. New York Oxford University Press. Moore, J. H. (1996). The cheyenne. Massachusetts Blackwell Publishers Inc. Reiter, Rayna R. , editor. 1975. Toward an anthropology of women. New York periodical Review press.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Comparison of Two Restaurants
Summary Restaurants demarcation one of major(ip) segments of Hospitality industry in United Kingdom. This assessment report of importly foc go fors on the analysis of both contravention eaterys base on solid fare and beverage principles and theories. Here writer selected McDonalds Hanger lane for fast fodder segment and ONeills Ealing for graceful dining segments. Evaluation process based on the writer see of those dickens symmetryaurants and used meal experienced check list prep atomic image 18d using diet and beverage theories and fancy. In addition, writer created SWOT analysis for each restaurants for enhance analysis external and internal factors.Comparative analysis make using several topics for improve clear understand for ratifiers. wasting diseased difference academic journals, books and reputed web place details for deliver evidence to support the discuss points by acknowledging relevant authors of such valuable sources. In addition, knowledge grab during the class contributed more than to complete this assessment report. Prominent points highlighted during the conclusion for revise reader attention for such points and end of report provide recommendations to the both restaurants to enhance their line of reasoning setance.There be master(prenominal) ii terminus ad quems of this this report, first, entirely provided recommendations relevant only for discussed two restaurants and difficult to generalised and second, majority of points discussed base on writer experienced and that construct possibility of involved of un spirital personal biased. 1. Introduction 2012 restaurants mart modify of key none shows that market rank increase 1. 7% during the 2011 compare to 2010. Government informed that UK emerging from quoin in this year by Wintour and Stewart (2012). This shows the cr feeding cheeseparing business atmosphere within the UK.Restaurants are one of principal(prenominal) business sector within the hospitality ind ustry and it has several types of categories such as fast foods, fine dining and ethnic special. This report mainly cogitatees on the compare and contrasts the two differences restaurants, based on the writer meal experienced of those two restaurants and fin completelyy try to gives suggestions that all- in-chief(postnominal)(a) for improve customer experience and cut-rate sale of such restaurants. Here writer selected ONeills Ealing mainly for fine dining restaurants and McDonalds Hanger street t for fast food casual restaurants.This comparative analysis base on the writer experienced of those two restaurants and use Meal experience check list (See auxiliary 1) for evaluate these two restaurants. These two restaurants working on difference market segments, however base on the food and beverage theories preempt easily analysis and evaluate two restaurants. 2. Overview of Restaurants 2. 1. O Neills Ealing ONeills is one of restaurants chemical reach of Mitchells and pantryma ns PLC operation in England and they are specialisation of Irish foods however they offer both table dhotel and A la carte menus.Other than restaurants facilities, ONeills film streak section. This restaurants under the non-captive market and they have respectable strength from the m different company that leader within the UK for Restaurants and Pub including rats like Harvester and all bar one (www. mbplc. com). However, Ealing ONeills need to differentiate itself to face greater contender from surrounds restaurants in Ealing area (See extension 2 for SWOT ONeills Ealing). 2. 2 McDonalds Hanger Lane (Near flagroot Street) The worlds largest quick chain restaurants and 1200 restaurants located within the UK (www. cdonalds. co. uk). However McDonalds under semi-captive food market because customers can choice only from offer alternatives. Open in 24 hours and drive by means of facilities adds more strength for Hanger Lane McDonalds apart from the reputed global name. (See Appendix 3 for SWOT McDonalds Hanger Lane) 3. Comparative Analysis This comparative analysis and evaluation doing in using separate topics and only take the restaurants part and not consider their additional activities such as bar in ONeills and drive through process of Mc Donalds . 1. Service SystemMcDonalds attending fast food dish up system and ONeills following fine dining service. McDonalds always follow single point service and take away service however ONeills use waiters assistant systems. two restaurants service are well maintenance and give peachy service for customers. Restaurants service systems consider effect of the image of the restaurants and that enhance the customer loyalty. (Ryuet al. 2012) 2. mental faculty staves of both restaurants are well trained and committed to provide full customer satisfaction with higher hygienic practices.All round members wear proper dress code and very polite and try to provide best options for customers. discover that, McDon alds staffs mainly follows the grater standardised control procedures and O Neills staff more empowerment for taken some decisions. Highly standardised lead to more control of staff in Mc Donalds (Ingram and Jones 1998). Employee empowerment enhance customer responsiveness and as well as employees retention with organization (Ashness and Lashley 1995). 3. Use of Special Equipment and Services Two restaurants always try to use more effective equipment to reduce animation consumption.McDonalds using high efficiency British Thermal Unit (BTU) fryer to reduce energy consumption and give quick service to customers. O Neills also follow green concept and energy consumption reduce strategy (Mitchell and butler annual report 2011). Card payment accepts by both restaurants that give more agreeable for majority of customers. 4. Meal Experience 3. 4. 1 Interior Ar arenament, ornament and Entertainment ONeills interior design and dining area prepare for more easygoing and classic way for retention customers more time within the restaurants.Arranged seating to facilitate personal and business discussion among the customers and provide slight normal music for give higher feeling to customers. Every Friday and Saturday ONeills provides live music for customers. ONeills provide high class tableware and ornament of all tables. McDonalds interior design comparatively low and provide plastic chairs and tables and no much intention to keep customers long time in restaurants due to concept of fast food serving (Lillicrap and Cousins 2010). Customers repurchasing conduct and satisfaction highly depend on customer waiting time in fast foods chain outlet (Law et al. 004). Therefore, McDonalds fundamentally focus to provide higher number of customers within limited time. ONeills lighting arrangements comparatively good and it provide more collection and comfort for long-term discussion. However, McDonalds hanger lane does not use particular lighting arrangement. 3. 4. 2 Safet y and Hygienic Hygienic tallys are higher in both restaurants and displayed the council certificate, safety notice, singe and whole restaurants clean and iron out. This is the last part of the food supply chain and majority of customers believe that restaurants maintain good hygienic conditions (Knight at el. 007). According to the Mitchel and Butler annual report, all food suppliers require to meet British Retail Consortium Global present requirement and need to face regular safety and prize audits. McDonalds has own food quality audits systems (www. mcdonalds. co. uk). 3. 4. 3. Food Price Price is important factor for purchasing decision of consumer (Mendez et al. 2006). Ob servicingd that both restaurants provided good prise for money and this confirmed by few consumers in two restaurants as well as writer own experienced. However, ONeills need to consider their food price for face competition in Ealing.Competitive pricing lead for price war and that can affect for long term sustainability of business (Davis et al. 2008). 3. 4. 4 Food, drinking and Menu ONeills provide eight difference menus basically focus in Irish foods and provide special menu for kids and Sunday. On the other hand, McDonalds provided own menus basically focus on the fast food category. Two restaurants always keep their menus within some limitation with slight(prenominal) variation. However, O Neills menus are very attractive and give full description for customers (see Appendix 4) (http//www. oneills. co. k/oneillsealing). O Neills provides foods very decorative way compare to McDonalds (see Appendix 5) and both restaurants provide foods in good temperature. Foods aroma was fantastic in both restaurants that enhance appetite of customers. Beverage supply was very good in both restaurants. 3. 4. 5 Customer Segments O Neills major customer range is people who like to go out with business discussion or friends or get some functions to meet each others. However McDonalds major custome r range is people who hurry to office or school with kids and back to home at evening.Identify of customer segments is important for sustain in business (Kotler and Keller 2006) 3. 4. 6 Location and Facilities Both restaurants located at very convenient place to consumers, however McDonalds Hanger Lane have very good vehicle parking facilities ONeills Ealing does not have. McDonalds Hanger lane located near the traffic garble lights that give added gain showing their name for majority of customers use Ealing road (see Appendix 6). In addition, MacDonalds Hanger lane opens 24 Hours for customers. However O Neills Ealing have open limited time for day.McDonalds provides free Wi-Fi and sis Changing facilities for their customers. 7. Promotions Both restaurants provide special offer for focus market segments, example that ONeills provide Three meals for price two and McDonalds provide 4 weeks for 4 tastes. Promotions are important for build good customer relationship and attract pote ntial customers (Kotleret al. 2010). 4. Identification of Present trend in Food Industry Both restaurants not properly address present trends and food related wellness matter witan the UK. One or more than one shows diagnosis or undiagnosed diabetic within 20 people in UK (Diabetic in the UK 2012). 010 NHS data showed that 26% of adults (age above 16) and three of ten boys and girls (age amid 2 to 15) showing either overweight or obesity within UK. However, Observed that both MacDonalds and ONeills not change for their foods for cater this current trend. In addition, predicted 10. 3% increase of the UK vegetarian foods market within next five years and main retailers such as ASDA, TESCO, Morrison and Sainsbury already started their vegetarian series (Keynote grocery assessment 2012). However, both McDonalds and O Neills not properly address this new market trend in UK. 3. 6 Sales MixObserved that Hanger Lane McDonalds main sales product is Burgers and other main sales products are sandwiches, dessert, chips and beverages. Proper awareness of sales ripplees importance for decide price of products as well as manage revenue (Kotleret al. 2010). However, Irish foods are the main sales products of O Neills and observed that majority of customers prefer for their Irish foods. 3. 7 Marketing McDonalds comparatively have powerful marketing strategy than the ONeills. McDonalds have some benefits of marketing due to global brand and product range is unique for every McDonalds.However, each of franchise has limited resource for own marketing process that related for area. McDonalds have single web aim that covering all outlets in UK, however ONeills Ealing has their own web page under ONeills main web (see Appendix 7). This is give opportunity for customers to directly contact Ealing management, find the new functions and specific menus. However, McDonalds web site is more attractive than O Neills web site and it include nutritionals value and allergic information o f the foods (See Appendix 8).McDonalds provide special service for their customers McDonalds on your shout out that give location of nearest outlet, menus and latest progression (www. mcdonalds. co. uk). 4. Conclusion These two restaurants cater their service for difference customer segments in market. However, observed that they always try to dominate in their market segments and very less consideration of current market trends in UK such as such as salutary foods and vegetarian foods. Both restaurants committed to give full customer satisfaction and try to attract customers using difference promotion and giving high quality safe foods.Both restaurants have proper identification of own sales mix and they use specific marketing strategy to enhance competitive edge in own market segment. 5. Recommendations All discussion based on these two restaurants and therefore these recommendations relevant only for above two restaurants and difficult to generalised. O Neills Ealing 1. Enhanc e variation of foods in menu This is important to attract customers who have difference needs such as Chinese, Mexican, vegetarian, diabetic foods etc. 2. Consider the food price fatality to consider price of foods with compare competitors especially near the Ealing area. . Separate bar area from restaurants. Bar unitedly with restaurants area give some interference for family dining. Therefore, important of physical separate of dining area from bar section to attract more families to restaurants. 4. Band competition They can invite Ealing area musical bands to perform in their restaurants that give more attract of local residents and young people to restaurants. 5. permit nutritional value in in foods That important to customer to select best suit foods for them and give attraction of customers. 6.Phone industry to customers iPhone, Android, Blackberry, Ovi ONeills special promotion, menus and special news, this important to always keep customer live with restaurants. 7. try on to get some parking slot beside road side after discuss with Ealing Council. Especially Friday and Saturday nights. 8. Provide loyalty card to regular customers to enhance revisit of regular customers. 9. Provide discount and promotion during the winter period to attract more customers by considering present positive condition of economic growth of UK. McDonalds Hanger Lane 1.Increase seating capacity keep more employees that enhance their attraction of McDonalds products. 2. Concern of healthy foods and vegetarian foods Need to consider present market trend of healthy foods, especially foods related to children. 3. Provide more attraction inertial decoration That gives more attraction of customers to restaurants. 4. Provide attractive lighting system. 5. Provide foods in more decorative way to enhance customers attraction. 6. Give some higher consideration and facilities to on-site eating customers like takeaway customers. 7. Try to provide combo pack or student pack for attract families and students. . Install indication board beside Ealing road side to begin with the outlet to enhance remind for customers before see outlet and provide information of additional facilities. 9. Start some functions or entertainments, especially at Friday or Saturday to attract customers. Bibliography Ashness, D. and Lashley, C. 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(2010) Food and Beverage Service. 8th ed. London An Hachette. Mendez, J. L. , Oubina, J. and Rubio, N. (2006) explanatory factors regarding manufacturer brand Journal of Product & Brand Management, 15 (6), p. 02-411 Emerald Online. Available at http//www. emeraldinsight. com Accessed 28 October 2012. Mitchell and Butler annual report 2011. Ryu, K. , Han, H. and Jang, S. (2010) Relationships among hedonic and utilitarianvalues, satisfaction and behavioral intentions in the fast-casual restaurant industry. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 22(3), p. 416-432 Emerald Online. Available at http//www. emeraldinsight. com Accessed 3 November 2012. www. mbplc. com. www. mcdonalds. co. uk Appendix 1 Meal Experience Che ck refer . Physiological and Food quality Description of items in truth fulfil unsure dissatisfy Very Remarks satisfied Dissatisfied Variation of foods ( Vegetarians or diabetic) Presentation of food ( Decoration) Colour of foods Taste of foods Texture of foods Temperature of foods Variation of beverage Temperature of beverage Selection of condiments e. g. alts, sauces, pepper Portion of foods Portion of beverage Consumer specific Quality of food serve General hygienic conditions Economical and convenient Description of items Very satisfied unsure Dissatisfied Very Remarks satisfied Dissatisfied Prices of foods Price of beverages convenient location Special offering Outdoor catering theatre delivery Past service Parking facilities Service and restaurants conditions Description of items Very satisfied uns ure Dissatisfied Very Remarks satisfied Dissatisfied Staff greet pleasantly Staff knowing of regular customers Staff attention to the customers Staff willing to service to customers Manger attention to customer Waiter take gild properly Staff understand of the products ( special offer, prices) to select proper food and beverage Staff congenial and polite Service fast and quick Staff wearing proper attire Decoration of restaurant Tidy of restaurants Tables are clean Tables arrange properly Table is enough space to keep foods Staff give correct bills and changes for customers Restaurants open hours Staff response when leave the restaurants External appearance of restaurants Interior colour of restaurants Temperature conditions in restaurants Background music die music Table dec oration Type of linen withdraw tableware Furniture conditions Arrange of tables Layout of restaurants Sign of rest room Access of disabilities Children play area Tidiness of the rest room Marks Very Satisfied 5, Satisfied 4, Unsure- 3, Dissatisfied 2, Very dissatisfied 1 Appendix 2 SWOT Analysis for ONeills Ealing. Strengths Weakness Reputed National brand and Mother Company. In side bar lead to reluctant for family dining especially with Specialization of Irish foods. children. Performing of Live bands that not in other restaurants near Ealing No proper parking area. area. Foods price comparatively high. rigid near the Ealing shopping complex area. Web site not attractive. Bar facilities. Attractive decorations and arrangement. Quality service with experienced staff. Provide decorative foods. High clean and hygienic conditions. Eating out increase in UK Quality certification. Opport unities Threats Can provide other specific menus like Chinese and Indian cuisine. Higher number of competitive restaurants in Ealing. Enhance seating facilities. Less prices foods and drinks introduce by surround restaurants. Healthy food e. g. diabetic Retails host (e. g. TESCO , M & S) introduce they are own foods. Attraction can be improved. legal age of customers knowing specialization for Irish foods only. Better promotion ability. Higher control from Mother Company leads less reaction for situation Emerge of UK economy from rescission. and location. Showing the nutritional values in foods. Extreme hold conditions. Use of new technology to contact customers. E. g Phone update Rising of fuel and employee cost. speculation to provide more advanced products. Majority of customers cut of their eating out during the recession. Increase of number of restaurants direct to price war. Appendix 3 SWOT Analysis for McDonalds Hanger Lane. Strengths Weakness Reputed Globa l Brand. Seating condition not comfortable. 24 Hours opening. Seating capacity very low. Drive through Process. Lighting arrangement not attractive. No competitive restaurants nearby. Less decorative of foods. Close to busy Ealing road. Due to quick service orient less concern of inside customers. Large parking area. Holidays less vehicles use of Ealing road. Wi-Fi facilities. Trained staff. Clean and tidy environment. Baby changing facilities. Attractive website. Phone updates facilities. Quality certification. Opportunities Threats Can increase seating capacity. Possibility of vex new restaurants nearby areas. Concern of healthy foods. E. g Diabetic Concern of Healthy foods. Introduce specific foods e. g vegetarian, Mexican. Marketing mainly decide by Head office. Attraction can be improved. Retails group (e. g. TESCO, M & S) start to introduce they are own Better promotion ability due to location. coffee shop and foods. Emerge of UK economy from rescission. Higher traffic in Hanger Lane during the busy hours, reluctant to Introduce of innovative products. turn for McDonalds. Extreme weather conditions. Appendix 4 O Neills Menu. pic pic Source O Neills restaurants menu Appendix 5 Photo of Decorated ONeills Foods. pic Source Food decoration photo taken from ONeills website. Appendix 6 Location of McDonalds Hanger. pic pic Source McDonalds Hanger lane photos taken by writer Appendix 7 Web page O Neills Ealing. pic Source ONeills web page Appendix 8 McDonalds web site with nutritional value and allergic information. pic Source McDonalds web page
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